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Screen Shows Pax showing red(negative sign) for some idle aircraft

Posted by Jireh Garcia on 02 May 2012 - 06:54 AM

Trying to start routes from CAI to other places.The max. payload range is more than the range of the route i selected yet the pax is at red.Is someone trying to mess up so i can't create add flights,so they can put more?

changed status to: Awaiting Feedback

Just to confirm, specifically which aircraft are you referring to, and which route?

Cairo to long haul routes to the US and Asia.It happens sometime.

If the max payload shows negative, refreshing the page fixes it.

Is this still an issue?

I've seen the bug still happen sometimes yes, I am not 100% sure but I kinda want to say that opening multiple route pages in tabs causes it to happen more often. It feels like it happens more often in that circumstance anyway though I've not found anything that makes it reliably repeatable unfortunately, will report back should I manage to stumble on a repeatable test case though.

changed status to: Archived

Sometimes this happens for me if I close a flight and then try to open another. As I vaguely remember, if for example flying beyond the maximum passenger range of a A330-300, close a flight, then try to open a 747-400 flight on the same route. The passenger max is shown in red as equal to the capacity of the A330-300.

moved issue from Aircraft Data

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