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Washington National(DCA) Political restrictions S1

Posted by Jireh Garcia on 10 April 2012 - 04:40 AM

Washington National has a runway that can accomodate an A330-200 with Rolls Royce Trent 772B.Which Needs 6,695 ft of runway,and WAY has the Range needed .While DCA Has a Runway that has at least 6800 ft.I tried to Start a Flight from Cairo But Said "Cant Fly Because Of political restrictions".Why,even though I have the requirements,can't I Fly To DCA?

DCA has a range restriction IIRC.

DCA has a perimeter rule (1600 miles I think). So does LGA. Also, one cannot fly from DAL outside the four neighboring states with aircraft over 56 seats (in AE this is max certified seats).

That means i cant fly to Love Field,too.

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