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DAL Dallas Love Field (R4) R4

Posted by donaldduck on 19 March 2012 - 11:02 AM

I can't start any flights to it. I've tried A321-100 and ATR-72-600

It just says, that my planes don't have the required hours to fly this route.

Has anyone else got this problem?

What routes are you flying? DAL has a range restriction to outlying states only unless operated by aircraft with 56 seats or less.

It must be the planes that have a max seat of 56 or less............no 737 set up to carry 56 pax.

You can use the larger a/c out of Love for inside Texas, LA, Ark and 1 other state that I cannot remember.

thanks, is there anywhere I can find out about this, without having to ask in the bug support?

You can go on wikipedia:
They have a whole section on the wright amendment :) http://en.wikipedia....llas_Love_Field

As stated, Love Field is restricted by the Wright Ammendment.

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