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Stock Market and over capacity

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What effect do you guys (and girls if it applies) think the addition of the stock market will have on the serious over-capacity problems we have in the game?



    I heart Embraer!

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actually, if anything, with stock market and the ability to buy out other airlines, capacity will go down, in theory.

btw, anyone know if we can keep our airline privatly owned, or are we forced to go public?



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You will not be forced to go public. Even when public, hold more than 50% of your stock and no one can buy you out.

I don't really understand what you mean by capacity, though.



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U could in theory buy all ur shares in ur airline or buy over 50% to retain control of ur airline :P

Now, it depends if that will be an option of the stock market once implemented



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I would assume we already are public, and that how our entry to the AE world was partialy finnanced. At any rate, there are a lot of issues with the stock market that wil have to be addressed. I'd really hate to see big airlines buying out little ones just to get at their gates. We all spend a lot of time working on our airlines, and if you logged in one day to see you'd been bought out, wouldn't you be pissed? There are also HUGE opprtunities for cheaters with the stock market, something tha I believe Miller said was delaying the release of the feature (he obviously doesn't want to give them the chance).

And just to piss people off and draw this thread off topic (so I'm pessimistic, I'm a moderator):

What overcapacity? You mean the way its so much easier to make a profit in the game than in real life? Or the way profit margins are many times what they are in real life?



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actually i think if you could buy other airlines out, you would have to ask first. I mean, IRL, does some airline just wake up and find out that they have been bought out? I think you would actually have to be BOUGHT out, and get planes or cash in exchange for the rest of the airline(i.e. just an example using airlines from this thread: ApplAir buys out Austrailis:P, Austrailis gets my A321, and 100 Million dollars to start over again. I think ths would reduce overcapacity, bringing the thread back on topic.



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Originally posted by doug_Or
What overcapacity? You mean the way its so much easier to make a profit in the game than in real life? Or the way profit margins are many times what they are in real life?

No. The way that when there are only 3 aircraft on a route and no one is changing ticket prices or resetting every 2 minutes, and yet revenue varies from -$140k to $250K per day. Then there are routes that have more then 30 aircraft making multiple trips per day and even if you set your ticket prices to $1, you still get a 0% Load Factor. If you are the cheapest on the route and are going from one of your major hubs (paid for not just in name) to another major hub, shouldn't you have some load factor?



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well, a person or airline who owns more than fifty percent of another airlines stock could decide to take over that airline couldnt they? Miller?



    I heart Embraer!

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Here is the question, do you want to buy out your compitition, or liquidate them?



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I think when an airline takes the risk and offers more than 50% on the open market they should be aware of what could happen. Now what happens usually in games like this is people would sell in shifts 25% at frist then once its bought up anohter 25% so then its really split up among 8 to 10 airlines holding your airline, rather than just one large holder.

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