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Add a Slower-Paced Game?

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Poll: Add a Slower-Paced Game? (15 member(s) have cast votes)

If we add a slower game and you plan to play in the new world, what year do you want to start in?

  1. 1980 (9 votes [60.00%])

    Percentage of vote: 60.00%

  2. Voted 1990 (6 votes [40.00%])

    Percentage of vote: 40.00%




    AE Developer

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Since AE4 is almost at capacity, I'm considering reactivating AE2 as a slower-paced (1 game day / hour) realistic world. To get over the initial slow period when people are waiting for planes, it will run at 2x speed for the first 6 game months and slow down to 1x thereafter. Starting date will be either 1980 or 1990 and will run for 15 years.

I'm planning to send a mass email to members who haven't visited in more than a few months (and as you can see in the footer, there are quite a few of them). Hopefully that will get some former players to try out the modern version of AE.

Comments and suggestions?



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This sounds great Yuxi although i wont join AE2 for sure because i dont like slow paced i would like like to see former players ie. fish 10 and even travelhouse (long shot <_< ) but if you manage to even get one of them back i would be really impressed. Lure them with massive amounts of starting cash :lol:



    AE King

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even though I dont think there should be a slow paced game, however I would like to have a game that starts in 80's and ends in 2010's



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Locked. AE2 is open! :)

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