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Public airlines vs. Private

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I think we should have the option of choosing if our airline should be publically owned or privately. Their should be some sort of incentive and negative about choosing one or their other. For example if you choose public you can be eligible to raise some more cash (ie.annual boost to your cash depending on how your company operates) and if you choose private you can also raise cash (ie. one time cash boost to your airline). I also think that if you are a public company you should have to display your financial results and if you are private you can still hide your results. What do you think of this? Their could be other incentives as well but this is all I can think of for now.



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I like the notion, although how it work would be another matter.

Also, it would be realistic if each country has only one public airline, if any, so it'd have to be decided how that was allocated, although I'd prefer first come first serve.

Public airlines could get cash subsidies, but would be restricted on routes (for example, no flights to countries with especially bad relations, i.e China and Taiwan, or they must fly at least 1x daily from a hub to every domestic destination over 100 miles, etc) and aircraft (for example, an american airline restricted to buying Boeing for a specific percentage of its fleet, a european restricted to airbus, or even just down to engine choices). Private airlines could work within the stock market, should that feature be brought back.

All that said, I can't see it really happening, but its a nice notion.




    AE King

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I dont think thats possible to implement



    Angry Irishman

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Well first of all private companies must show there finances at the end of the year for anyone to see

I don't think it will happen because it would raise arguments about who's th public airline and what not and raise a huge non needed fuss

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