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A few extra

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Hey I am pretty new to airline empires and therefore not completely sure of the reality of some of my suggestions. I have worked in the airline industry for a few years now and faced many problems in the daily running, but here goes (Do as you will).

1) It would be pretty cool to manage the airline more in regards to delays, staffing and the aircraft going 'tech'. For example: There could be a status button which confirmed that all passengers had checked in and boarded, however the aircraft was 1 crew member down. This could delay the passengers, decreasing the satisfaction ratings.

2) You could have bulletins for when you are logged in that ask whether or not you want to accept a late passengers. This would coincide with a count down clock for you take off time. Do you take the extra tickets and satisfaction rating or risk of fine for a late departure?

3) It would be good to choose options for your specific aircraft from a drop down menu, for example. In the real world Singapore airlines is better all round that Emirates, however both are considered very good airlines. In the drop down menu we ourselves could configure each class i.e. 1st/Business - do we spend extra on V.O.D (Video On Demand) systems and pillows for all with extra leg room and a choice of meals, or is it simply a cup of coffee and cake for all? This would give the game more personality and individuality.

4) It would be cool as we earn money to choose whether or not to sell shares in our airlines. If so we could choose how much to give away and it would appear on a menu for everyone (like aircraft used sales). This way other people could use their revenue to purchase these shares. This would give the seller instant cash for maybe larger aircraft and more gates and the buyer could gain a few etc pounds from profits.

APOLOGIES if any of these suggestions are like waaaaaaaaay out there and unrealistic given the resources available for development. I understand this is a hobby for many.

But hope they give some scope of ideas anyway =)



    Beta Tester

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3) It would be good to choose options for your specific aircraft from a drop down menu, for example. In the real world Singapore airlines is better all round that Emirates, however both are considered very good airlines. In the drop down menu we ourselves could configure each class i.e. 1st/Business - do we spend extra on V.O.D (Video On Demand) systems and pillows for all with extra leg room and a choice of meals, or is it simply a cup of coffee and cake for all? This would give the game more personality and individuality.

But hope they give some scope of ideas anyway =)

This section is being considered with the new script, at least the class configuration. Although this is not implemented in the new script yet, it should be shortly. I look forward to it. :P



    mustang sally ceo

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2) You could have bulletins for when you are logged in that ask whether or not you want to accept a late passengers. This would coincide with a count down clock for you take off time. Do you take the extra tickets and satisfaction rating or risk of fine for a late departure?

I like that idea
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2) You could have bulletins for when you are logged in that ask whether or not you want to accept a late passengers. This would coincide with a count down clock for you take off time. Do you take the extra tickets and satisfaction rating or risk of fine for a late departure?

I like that idea

They used to call it (Stand-by Fares) You can add this in but a simple code of:

If A330-300 = 300 PAX you add 10% = 30 on empty seats for Stand-by rates.


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