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Too easy to make money?

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Poll: Is it too easy to make money? (2 member(s) have cast votes)

Is it too easy to make money?

  1. Far too easy (4 votes [25.00%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 25.00%

  2. A little too easy (4 votes [25.00%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 25.00%

  3. It's just right (2 votes [12.50%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 12.50%

  4. Too difficult (6 votes [37.50%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 37.50%

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FlyWorld Air

FlyWorld Air

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As the title says. I have been looking down the ratings and find it astonishing that Glennos (KaaiElEm) already has 2 A330's and a 757-300. No offence to Glennos as he is an experienced player of the game and I am by no means questioning his motives here, but merely suggesting that it's too easy to make an obscene amount of money too quickly.

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Many players made a point that sim2 needs to be fast, this is why there are two running sims, sure some players have massive aircraft, however those who do have A333's in their fleet must be in a massive negitive and will have a day or two in revenue to make credit again.

Remember, some aircraft will not be able to be placed on some routes, the used aircraft market is working from what I see so as sim2 is beta and a testing ground for developers we must wait and see if its needed to turn it down a notch.....

Time will tell....:whchair:


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    Royal Khmer Airlines

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Actually if the revenue calculations were correct we'd be making about twice as much money in Sim2 right now.

As for Glennos' 2 A330's, he's been selling off his existing aircraft at the end of each month to pay for bigger better aircraft... I don't see anything wrong with this strategy because his A330's are making good money... I'd be surprised if he's still in debt now... I know my airline is never in debt more than 12 game days (rarely even that many) still leaving plenty of time to accumulate cash for the next order. Unless something odd happens like getting delivered 14 A330's at one time (like happened last round :)) then its hard to put a "well run" airline in debt much longer than that.

As for too easy to make money... My crystal ball says that before too long there are going to be players whining that they can't afford terminals since the new gate restrictions are in place. I know how much cash my airline is bringing in monthly and I dearly need to expand already but just can't justify the cost yet... I can't see airlines below the top 20-30 having an easy time building a terminal at the same time they are buying aircraft to continue expansion... for most airlines its going to be one or the other and it may take more than a game month even for them to build up the 80-100 million needed just to take that plunge for a "small" terminal. I don't think those airline CEO's will be saying then that its too easy... :Jester



    toowit towoo

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Don't worry too much about me, I'm going on a months vacation next week to Thailand and the last thing i'm gonna think about is AE :)

I might sell my a333 today and get an a380, why? just for the fun of it! I'm not bothered one bit about this round. I already mentioned a while back about the ridiculous profits being made on some routes, this is one reason I am on HND - PVG with 2 a333's, to get the price down to a more affordable level for the passengers.

I think we can get the price down to about 200$ a ticket in the next 3 days ;-)

Well, my a333's are making 3 million DOP each and the 753 making 2.3 million DOP , those are figures any CEO can be proud of :D I'll be selling 1 this month and buying 2 more, see how many I can accumalate in the next 8 days!

On a sidenote I think the slots need increasing from 5 to 10 per gate, that might help alot :)
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flyworld air you're not alone i also have same question that made me wonder how in the world they made an awful lot of money in less than 4 days. but if you look closely these airlines are operating 3-4 totally independent routes in diff regions which also explains why ORD and ATL gates are gone in just 2 days. if airlines are only allowed to fly in regions outside their homebase ONLY after a route connecting homebase and region of choice has been established then you will be seeing a totally diff picture.



    toowit towoo

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flyworld air you're not alone i also have same question that made me wonder how in the world they made an awful lot of money in less than 4 days. but if you look closely these airlines are operating 3-4 totally independent routes in diff regions which also explains why ORD and ATL gates are gone in just 2 days. if airlines are only allowed to fly in regions outside their homebase ONLY after a route connecting homebase and region of choice has been established then you will be seeing a totally diff picture.

I'm only in Asia anyway. The way you describe severely limits game play and you should be able to setup shop anywhere in the world, this is the way the game was designed from the beginning.

What you need to do is fix the ridiculous amount of profit you can make on some routes but once again this has been mentioned a thousand times already.

If airlines lower down the rankings would bother to see how the top ranking airlines play :eureka:

HND is the best airport in the game to make money, no other airport in AE comes even close at the moment. Yes, LAX is also good but destinations from LAX are quite far so it takes time to get planes that can do the good routes from there and by the time you ahve them the people who started in HND have made their billions and are sending the big stuff to LAX :)

All you need to do is start from HND in the beginning , say first few months then branch out once you are earning a few million and it snowballs from there, it's not that difficult.

Airport data is being gathered at the moment to help bring the Load Fators of other airports to where they should be. The way it's setup at the moment is different from previous rounds but I think it makes it a little more challanging. Let's wait and see what happens, be patient!
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    Royal Khmer Airlines

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Airport data is being gathered at the moment to help bring the Load Fators of other airports to where they should be. The way it's setup at the moment is different from previous rounds but I think it makes it a little more challanging. Let's wait and see what happens, be patient!

This is going to make a huge diference. Some of the major airports have passenger totals that are way off. In Asia Haneda does handle the most passengers but its far from the worlds busiest airport. Several USA and Europe airports should bring higher profits after all the updates are done.



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This is my second full round in the game and I hardly think its easy to make money. I see the planes that some of the top players are flying and I'm just jealous.



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glennos, nope it does not limit the game...i did study the game plan of top players and that's the reason why i made a commentary. i also read the paper written about this game and the real airline business community. i also have modest knowledge how airlines started and expanded and succeeded and others failed. yes, we are not to be stopped if we want to operate in other regions but the way it is done is rediculous. 2-3 totally independent unconnected routes in various reg of the world? c'mon...




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Don't worry too much about me, I'm going on a months vacation next week to Thailand and the last thing i'm gonna think about is AE :)


I hope BKK is open by then for your sake (or that HKT is normalized)!



    toowit towoo

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I hope BKK is open by then for your sake (or that HKT is normalized)!

I'm flying with China Airlines and at the moment they are flying to Chiang Mai so as long as I get to Thailand there's plenty of trains and buses to get me where I want to go.

I've been there before during a military coup and to be honest , outside Bangkok you don't even notice it.
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    Royal Khmer Airlines

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yes, we are not to be stopped if we want to operate in other regions but the way it is done is rediculous. 2-3 totally independent unconnected routes in various reg of the world? c'mon...

I guess Virgin and Richard Branson don't necessarily agree with you.

This is a game by the way, yes it is intended to be realistic but if you keep restricting and keep restricting it looses its entertainment value.



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This is going to make a huge diference. Some of the major airports have passenger totals that are way off. In Asia Haneda does handle the most passengers but its far from the worlds busiest airport. Several USA and Europe airports should bring higher profits after all the updates are done.

Some of us didnt need to look at the data in real life to notice that some airports in AE have been, for the lack of word, been crap, when compared to real life and how they really should be making money. :)

Though, with the current information around and which will be implemented into the game, im sure things will change and help everyone out.




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fish1O maybe you forgot virgin group maybe under one CEO but the airlines are actually autonomous from each other and virgin which is british is not allowed to have majority shares in other countries thus the long delay of virgin america, virgin blue, virgin nigeria etc maiden flights when govt of these countries learned that they are majority-owned by foreigned nationals. if you look at WTO laws foreigned companies could not op in a country if 6O% is not owned by local investors.



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sorry for the fragmented reply fish1O...virgin group of companies is like procter and gamble, a giant conglomerate...thus you hear P & C philippines, canada, bngkok, indonesia, brazil, UK etc...but in this game where we try to sim the RW what some other ops are doing are so unrealistic. unless you're flying an airline within an airline but even that, it needs a separate certification and company structure and brandname...eg. metrojet, song, ted etc



    toowit towoo

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sorry for the fragmented reply fish1O...virgin group of companies is like procter and gamble, a giant conglomerate...thus you hear P & C philippines, canada, bngkok, indonesia, brazil, UK etc...but in this game where we try to sim the RW what some other ops are doing are so unrealistic. unless you're flying an airline within an airline but even that, it needs a separate certification and company structure and brandname...eg. metrojet, song, ted etc

This game has been unrealistic compared to the real world from it's very birth. It is not intended to follow the political correctness of the real world. It is supposed to be an open plan / open skies sim where you can do anything you want (within reason). The majority of the features that have been added the last few months are to make it a little more fun to play , stop cheating and make it more of a management sim where you have to think a bit. This will become more apparent when future changes are in place ;-)

Let's not get too bogged down in real world arguments and stuff like that, just enjoy it as it is and let's hope the changes make it more enjoyable to play. I know some changes don't suit everyone but you know the old saying!

You can please some of the people all the time, all of the people some of the time but never all of the people all of the time :Thumbs:
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and btw fish1O if you are to quote, quote the whole thing to get the whole gist of the commentary. what you did was you just quote a line from my commentary thus giving it a different meaning from the entire pix. you wouldn't say "oh, what a beautiful face" when all you got is a nose....lol as they say that's SOP...



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thanks glennos, lol...but why then it is called a sim if it doesn't mimic RW scenarios? simulation means an imitation of real-life scenarios, state of affairs or process. even the word "sim" means a re-creation of real-effects from the real world so its behaviour and how it affect the surrounding or immediate environ can be studied in detail. just an observation, many would justify their actions as "doing the real purpose of the game" but have they read what miller22 wrote in his paper? forgive me...

FlyWorld Air

FlyWorld Air

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I'm assuming you're counting me as a 'low-ranking player', Glennos! :)

I would use the top gameplan but at the start of each Sim I plan out where I want to hub, e.t.c.. This time I decided on creating a Pacfic orientated airline flying out of California to Pacific, South and North American destinations.

Have a safe trip Glennos and most of all, enjoy it!!
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safe trip glennos...hey, man, you could've have taken Cathay Pacific or Singapore Airlines.. once you've flown with them you'll only fly with them..though my family fly with China Airlines on transpacific flts i only go with Cathay :-) anyway just a plug-in for CXX lol Enjoy...

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