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DC-9 performance

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Hi guys,

Just received my first two DC-9s out of an order of 10 to replace the electra. Changing aircraft seemed not a good idea The electra is just the best performing A/C around in this game. Replacing the F27 doesn't give me any profit gain either! For what routes will the DC-9 perform the best in your opinion/experience?




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Electra is still the best aircraft, there are a few players exploiting a BUG to get profits from the larger Jets - Soon that bug will be PLUGGED


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Just a quick question about the (DC9 and) BAC, I might put to much faith in Wiki for all I know but:

Bac is lighter than the caravell (about 10 tons mtow actually), 5 knots slower cruise and has what should be newer more efficient engines, how come the fuel burn is higher than the caravelle?



    El Original Mod, AE Beta Tester

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Electra is still the best aircraft, there are a few players exploiting a BUG to get profits from the larger Jets - Soon that bug will be PLUGGED

A bug? no, more like something that shouldnt of been coded into the game in the first place.

Then again, i have been waiting about 3 years for that mess to get fixed up.




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A bug? no, more like something that shouldnt of been coded into the game in the first place.

Then again, i have been waiting about 3 years for that mess to get fixed up.

It will dissapear before your eyes very soon:sdrool:


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    El Original Mod, AE Beta Tester

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It will dissapear before your eyes very soon:sdrool:

Funny how your the only one in the loop... guess no one cares for the rest.

Been inform should not be an exclusive thing, i gotta say.

Just my thoughs...




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Funny how your the only one in the loop... guess no one cares for the rest.

Been inform should not be an exclusive thing, i gotta say.

Just my thoughs...

Not a case of cares for the rest, I am investing $$$$$ of it into AE, I will in one last ditch try to get the game up and going.

We talk about a lot of things and all for the goodness of the game, if you want more MSN me its there open a lot, but even you have been a little offhanded of late so sorry, but one of us MUST take a lead role and get this game advancing.

If you dont like my to the point reply, sorry, but I am advanced in my last attempt to salvage AE


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Not a case of cares for the rest, I am investing $$$$$ of it into AE, I will in one last ditch try to get the game up and going.

We talk about a lot of things and all for the goodness of the game, if you want more MSN me its there open a lot, but even you have been a little offhanded of late so sorry, but one of us MUST take a lead role and get this game advancing.

If you dont like my to the point reply, sorry, but I am advanced in my last attempt to salvage AE

Taking a lead role and investing money in the game is just great, but while doing this please bear in mind that the big problem with this game has been lack of communication from the developers to the players. "To the point" replies just do not help with keeping the game alive. I do not need to be "in the loop" as I am just a regular player, but I would very much like to hear more about your plans for the future of this game on this forum.



    Royal Khmer Airlines

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It will dissapear before your eyes very soon:sdrool:

I really hope this means the bug will be fixed and not that the feature will be removed.

Taking a lead role and investing money in the game is just great, but while doing this please bear in mind that the big problem with this game has been lack of communication from the developers to the players. ...., but I would very much like to hear more about your plans for the future of this game on this forum.

I really agree with Kontio on this. I hope you or someone will make some announcements of things to come, especially in the near future.

Sorry, this will be off topic from the original thread but so has been most of the thread.
Is anything going on with Sim 1 other than the bug fix for big jets? I'm sure I'm not the only one to feel that Sim 1 is boring compared to Sim 2. A short-mid range route that brings $200-300 (ticket price) in Sim 1 is pretty good while in Sim 2 a route that only brings $200 would be declared oversaturated and dead. The planes in Sim 1 are less fuel efficent that equivilent sized planes in Sim 2 so it makes it really tough to make good money on what should be good (and are in Sim2) routes. Yes I realize the differences in technology, but seems like Sim 1 needs the Sim 2 LF equations regardless of how flawed the Sim 2 ones are, they are still better than the ones in Sim 1. Also Sim 1 really needs the extra cities in Sim 2.



    El Original Mod, AE Beta Tester

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Not a case of cares for the rest, I am investing $$$$$ of it into AE, I will in one last ditch try to get the game up and going.

We talk about a lot of things and all for the goodness of the game, if you want more MSN me its there open a lot, but even you have been a little offhanded of late so sorry, but one of us MUST take a lead role and get this game advancing.

If you dont like my to the point reply, sorry, but I am advanced in my last attempt to salvage AE

If your investing money into the game, thats great. But doesnt mean people need to left out of the loop. I dont see anything on the forums saying whats exactly is going on and whats been worked on.

Last time i checked, AE was a community would have the interest of the game first and foremost, not just for one person to take the incentive because they are investing money. I havent been playing this game for this long if i didnt believe.. just think some things need to change to make sure communication is open and keep the community informed.

Finally, travel, u knew im always on MSN and open to chat most days. I here to help, not hinder... hope u notice that.




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Well, if I can tell you a little of the advancement then this is the best time to let you know.

Miller is trying to get developers active, these is one new developer active, this person understand the game and the script, however they both are looking at keeping sim1 going without changes but place their efforts within sim2.

As they progress there may be alterations / added features and the like, we all know sim2 is beta and this will be the platform to test new ideas plus while they develop bugs will be fixed and tested.

That means there is 3 of us who are active, I am unable to say at this point what new or existing bug fixes will of have been addressed, but I will as I am told place an update in the bugs forum so all know.

Development of sim2 in testing will go ahead, we have not talked any more as to the future direction but we have placed in brief our ideas on paper, just waiting for a suitable time to gather a 3-way call in so these and other projects can be discussed.

As for other ideas, we all read the forum, and note comments, we also talk about improvements and what players want, yes I know that this game has been static for a long time and little advancement has been achieved in past few years with only sim1 changes made in the (1946) game this as I have stated is my attempt to get the AE sim back-on-track.

Having looked at a few other on-line games that have been developed like an image of this original AE game, only shows that the basic format has plenty of merit and followers, just lacking the drive and staff to make it progress to once again take hold of current / new / and past players, we know many still looking to see if any changes, this is encouraging and if we as a team are able to ignite new and correcting development we may be able to hold our own within the on line sim market.

There may seem to be little in changes noticeable to many players, as there will be an image of sim2 running and developed, once this is ready it will be placed up and for all to beta test it. The more important thing is to keep the original AE format and just add towards its features.

Existing forum and other AE staff will not change I hope soon that some other management ideas will be added to further involve players who want to keep this sim game energetic, to this I will keep you all conversant in due course.


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    El Original Mod, AE Beta Tester

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Well, good to hear. Hopefully more people can help out too...

That's all.




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I wanted to exchange my Viscounts to DC 9. It was a nightmare. 50% of my ordered fleet where sold immediately after delivery. I hope that the DC 9-30 will have a better performance and that I can run a more standard fleet. By far the best A/C is the Lockheed Electra.



    Royal Khmer Airlines

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I wanted to exchange my Viscounts to DC 9. It was a nightmare. 50% of my ordered fleet where sold immediately after delivery. I hope that the DC 9-30 will have a better performance and that I can run a more standard fleet. By far the best A/C is the Lockheed Electra.

These planes really shouldn't be such turds, sure they use 6 times more fuel than an F27 but the problem really isn't the planes themselves. I can't understand why the pax ticket prices in Sim1 are so low. A route that is within range of this plane usually can only support a ticket price of $100-200. That's where the problem lies with this plane and all the other jets in Sim1. Until prices come up only the props will make decent money in Sim1.



    El Original Mod, AE Beta Tester

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These planes really shouldn't be such turds, sure they use 6 times more fuel than an F27 but the problem really isn't the planes themselves. I can't understand why the pax ticket prices in Sim1 are so low. A route that is within range of this plane usually can only support a ticket price of $100-200. That's where the problem lies with this plane and all the other jets in Sim1. Until prices come up only the props will make decent money in Sim1.

The ticket prices is to do with the year the current game is in. Its part of the game, aswell as economic factors, as countries 30 years ago wouldnt be the same economic wise or price wise, as know.




    Royal Khmer Airlines

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The ticket prices is to do with the year the current game is in. Its part of the game, aswell as economic factors, as countries 30 years ago wouldnt be the same economic wise or price wise, as know.

Real airlines made money with these planes though. At one point 707's were used for domestic flights here in the US to regular sized cities. The cheap prices we got used to in the US (like $250 r/t from New York to LA) didn't happen until deregulation in the 80's. There's no way that the average ticket price in the 60's was $70 from LA to Phoenix for example.



    El Original Mod, AE Beta Tester

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Real airlines made money with these planes though. At one point 707's were used for domestic flights here in the US to regular sized cities. The cheap prices we got used to in the US (like $250 r/t from New York to LA) didn't happen until deregulation in the 80's. There's no way that the average ticket price in the 60's was $70 from LA to Phoenix for example.

Well duh, like i didnt know the obvious fish, but thanks for pointing it out ;)

Now the problem is perhaps with the loadfactor equation and been made for a specific period (aka present prices) and thus, reverting it back to the past 50 years of travel hasnt yielded the same results as one would hope me thinks. :)

Then again, i dont mind being proved wrong :)




    Royal Khmer Airlines

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Now the problem is perhaps with the loadfactor equation and been made for a specific period (aka present prices) and thus, reverting it back to the past 50 years of travel hasnt yielded the same results as one would hope me thinks. :)


That sounds very possible. I remember reading in some older threads that the Sim2 LF was supposed to move to Sim1 at some point. I know it still isn't perfect in Sim2 but its better than what's in Sim1 now. I really hope sometime in the not too distant future the new developers look at this.



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That sounds very possible. I remember reading in some older threads that the Sim2 LF was supposed to move to Sim1 at some point. I know it still isn't perfect in Sim2 but its better than what's in Sim1 now. I really hope sometime in the not too distant future the new developers look at this.

Sim2 still needs work to be done and apparently been worked on. Loadfactor script there is still a bit off, considering:
- Reliance on major trunk routes across the world
- Lose money flying to small airports, when actually you should be rewarded
- No real hub benefit.. just 100% LF on all your routes
- Growth is just too fast (No airline would makes 500k on say LHR-CDG at the start of an airline.. takes times to grow the route and thats where your hub effect would come in)


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I found that the best use for DC-9-10s is to replace SE-210 Caravelle routes. When I do that the profit basically doubles or triples, and I've retired all Caravelles by now.

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