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Now this should be investigated

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this is from my in game messages, notice how all three messages in relations to the Vickers sound the same, spelled alike and the airlines are all named for locations close together (Dresden, Dusseldorf, Paris). ANTI-CHEAT POLICE to the rescue (this guy will be in operations for 5 years before the catch him).

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Inbox 2008-06-23
From Message
Dresden Airlines

2008-06-23 13:08:36 Vickers Viscount
If you are offering me one Vickers for 9.250.000$ I am willing to buy one. So please offer one to me!
id 23501
thx Delete

Paris Airlinessystem

2008-06-23 13:06:37 Vickers
I would buy two of your Vickers if you offer them for 9.250.000$.
id 22588 Delete

Düsseldorf Airways

2008-06-23 13:04:32 Vickers Viscount
For the price of 9.250.000$ I would buy a Vickers Viscount, so it would be a pleasure of you if you offer one to id 22601.
thx Delete

Airline Empires Version .02 Release 03-21-05

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Well there are some who just want to act silly but here is one I just found on the used market

You bought a SE-210 Caravelle from Travelaire for $17,000,000.

Travelaire (25133)

Now thats a $34m aircraft and it was listed on used market for $17m as you can see.

This could be viewed by the anti-cheat as taking unfair advantage :cry: Yes, but if I didnt purchase it, some other player would of.

Now, if I am viewed as playing the game (Gaining unfair advantage) and see this $34m aircraft up on the used market for $17m and I am accused, then the anti-cheat staff have it wrong, as its the player (Travelaire) that should be punished.

Players who sell aircraft for a low price must have a reason.

If they are quitting, then mothball and declare (leave the game)

If they need cash you need just place it just below market value as many players are looking all the time and will snap it up.


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:mad: Yet cheat staff have more chance of banning travelhouse than they do of any of those mentioned probably cheating airlines ;)

Don't worry Scott, they'll get to them eventually - they've already gotten to everyone else :)

Okay i'm not helping I don't think..

If I were cheat staff I would automatically assume they are all the same airline. I say this because of the format by which they wrote out their currency, the repeated punctuation, and that one of the airline ID's differs from the other by 13 - and the other by 900.

Basically says to me that they registered an airline, then another with the intent to cheat, and weren't getting the results they desired and as such created another account to help cheat.

However i'd do an IP check to confirm it first..



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I do suggest any information that may assist the anti-cheat police in finding possible cheaters by PM to me, so i can pass the information on to them. No need to make a public fiasco about it.




    Cali Girl

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I read the totural and it said if I was starting over aka declairing bankrupt to sell the planes i bought to others now I sold 2 but the 34mil was suposed to be 32mil but it was typo on the 17m, the 17m was another and anyway it wasnt a cheet of any kind It was sell them or send to graveyard, so I sold to help somone yes it was a huge discount and it wasnt ment to be that much, but it happened, sorry if someone is upset about it, was a honest mistake, I will be more carful next time

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I see no problem with purchasing a used aircraft whose price is half of the value. It sells. It's not cheating. The person left it up for the open market. I have seen airlines absorbed into others in this game. Insider deals have allowed large carriers to simply 'buy-out' another carrier, assuming the smaller carrier agrees. It's up to the smaller carrier. If you're willing to throw away your airline and watch someone else build off of your airline, then I see no conflict in that. It's the Airline CEO's call... not realistic, but it's an option.

Yet, it's up to the cheat police on how they handle these issues. I believe that they're just trying to make the game more enjoyable to everyone. Perhaps you should take up these issues with them in a private message.
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I see no problem with purchasing a used aircraft whose price is half of the value. It sells. It's not cheating. The person left it up for the open market. I have seen airlines absorbed into others in this game. Insider deals have allowed large carriers to simply 'buy-out' another carrier, assuming the smaller carrier agrees. It's up to the smaller carrier. If you're willing to throw away your airline and watch someone else build off of your airline, then I see no conflict in that. It's the Airline CEO's call... not realistic, but it's an option.

Hear, hear!
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Can a moderator delete this post since it has gone off course.

Thank you

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