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** Air Alliance Strike **

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Hello Airline Empires Forum Members,

Effective immediately, the Air Alliance is on strike from Sim1.

This is due to the penalising of the Air1 Director, Olly (FlyWorld Air), and the accusations of cheating pointed at both myself and LostWorld.

Alliances are there for such aircraft sales and transaction sharing - and all activity was done legitimately and in good will.

As above, alliances are there for such purposes, and if we can't carry out such deals without being accused of cheating, then we simply will have no involvement at all.

Air Alliance members are not forced to strike, however they are encouraged, and current/future participation in Airline Empires Sim1 will not be officiated by the alliance.

If you are an Air Alliance member, or would like to strike with our alliance in support of the cause, please see http://air-alliance.co.nr/ for more details.



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Rash post as this game has measures in place to stop cheating within the game.

The assumption of players cheating isn’t taken lightly; there are checks and software in place to assist in making decision of players acting illegitimate within the game.

Those who have been fined – accused or found to be directly cheating are notified, well in advance, and they must act to respond within a given time-frame to either clear their name or face the long-arm of the anti-cheat procedures they impose.

By publicly posting a remonstration will only fuel speculation with others and throw the game into more turmoil, you would be best served to ask the alliance member who is directly effected to PM the anti-cheat staff to try and resolve the issues and concerns.


I'm a moderator, that's all.

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There are multiple alliance members involved, including myself.

IP's are very simple things to log and trace - all 3 airlines involved have VERY different IP addresses.

We were acting as an alliance does - supporting our fellow alliance members.

Damn right, our strike will stand, unless ALL matters are rectified.

I am sorry to have involved the Airline Empires forums, and in turn yourself, however I figured people should know that we will not be participating at this point in time.



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Xenia Airways had all acquired aircraft removed and routes closed. Since I did not log in yesterday, my gates have ALL been returned and I have a debt of $2mil.

Those who have been fined – accused or found to be directly cheating are notified, well in advance, and they must act to respond within a given time-frame to either clear their name or face the long-arm of the anti-cheat procedures they impose.

It is not reasonable to expect that everyone logs in each and every real life day. Requiring a commitment as such should be made known to all users when registering - otherwise it simply is not a fair way to do things. Now of course, if there is actual cheating taking place, of course it's not fair, and those cheaters should be punished. But to punish innocent players who are not cheating on the basis that they did not reply to the admin message within a time period of 48 hours (or less - since I last logged in less than 48 hours ago) is not reasonable.

This is a game, not a job.

I am sorry to have involved the Airline Empires forums, and in turn yourself, however I figured people should know that we will not be participating at this point in time.

Unless I sell the aircraft I paid for at full price, there is no way I can continue operations!

I guess I'll just have to wait for the Airway Sim project to be completed then, if this is not resolved.
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There are multiple alliance members involved, including myself.

IP's are very simple things to log and trace - all 3 airlines involved have VERY different IP addresses.

We were acting as an alliance does - supporting our fellow alliance members.

Damn right, our strike will stand, unless ALL matters are rectified.

I am sorry to have involved the Airline Empires forums, and in turn yourself, however I figured people should know that we will not be participating at this point in time.

Did those transactions involved half-priced planes??? If so, it is only natural, considering what some people did in sim1 over 2-3 years ago, which would involve selling to their alliance members half priced planes and not giving an option to others to purchase these planes. People still do it and the anti-cheat police WILL CHECK EVERY TRANSACTION and scrutinise it. And trust me, your not the only one that probably has been either fined or closed down for cheating...

I remember getting fined $50 mil over 2 years ago for buying 2 Dash 8-300 at half price from a member which was going to leave the game since she didnt have time.

Now u can stand there and try to throw ur weight around, thinking ur going to get somewhere. But trust me, ur better off lowering ur tone and just addressing the issues sensibly and with consideration. Maybe even learn from it.




    Airline Empire's Resident Speedophile

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Perhaps not as rash as my fellow Alliance members, or just not as frustrated, I understand completely how it would be perceived as a cheat. I sold my original DC3’s at (nearly) half price, (I may be generous but I’ve got to make a living here ;)). I’m not 100% sure what’s happened with FlyWorldAir’s account, I think been banned or similar, but he’s right royally annoyed because he’s spent time working at the game trying to get within the top few players, only to have this major setback.

I think perhaps a greater understanding of what would constitute cheating to the cheat police is what we need. As selling aircraft cheaply to us, and to many others, doesn’t constitute as cheating, but seems like a ‘perk’, as it were, in joining an alliance.

I’m sure that you can all understand why Olly (FlyWorldAir) is really very frustrated at the outcome of all of this and as an alliance, and as friends, we’re sticking by him.



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Hmm, where to begin with Maestro's farce of a post..

"Did those transactions involved half-priced planes??? If so, it is only natural, considering what some people did in sim1 over 2-3 years ago, which would involve selling to their alliance members half priced planes and not giving an option to others to purchase these planes. People still do it and the anti-cheat police WILL CHECK EVERY TRANSACTION and scrutinise it. And trust me, your not the only one that probably has been either fined or closed down for cheating..."

How about they check the IP's to see, err, I'M NOT EVEN IN THE SAME HEMISPHERE.

"I remember getting fined $50 mil over 2 years ago for buying 2 Dash 8-300 at half price from a member which was going to leave the game since she didnt have time."

And how did you respond, when clearly you were not cheating? Bench-sitter, much?

"Now u can stand there and try to throw ur weight around, thinking ur going to get somewhere. But trust me, ur better off lowering ur tone and just addressing the issues sensibly and with consideration. Maybe even learn from it."

Learn that AE Cheat staff are pathetic little people that don't even bother to check IP's?

Damn freaking right, we will continue the strike as planned, and until then, AE will continue to lose any Air Alliance members playing Sim1 (and there's about ten-fifteen total).

FlyWorld Air

FlyWorld Air

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May I just ask how I was supposed to know about what happened 2 or 3 years ago when it hasn't been a year since I signed up!?

Also,as Glennos famously said "We are just using what's in the game - no more, no less."

As it happens, I have calmed down a bit, but can I have my aircraft and routes e.t.c. back soon? I feel my time on this game has been wasted.
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    El Original Mod, AE Beta Tester

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Hmm, where to begin with Maestro's farce of a post..

"Did those transactions involved half-priced planes??? If so, it is only natural, considering what some people did in sim1 over 2-3 years ago, which would involve selling to their alliance members half priced planes and not giving an option to others to purchase these planes. People still do it and the anti-cheat police WILL CHECK EVERY TRANSACTION and scrutinise it. And trust me, your not the only one that probably has been either fined or closed down for cheating..."

How about they check the IP's to see, err, I'M NOT EVEN IN THE SAME HEMISPHERE.

"I remember getting fined $50 mil over 2 years ago for buying 2 Dash 8-300 at half price from a member which was going to leave the game since she didnt have time."

And how did you respond, when clearly you were not cheating? Bench-sitter, much?

"Now u can stand there and try to throw ur weight around, thinking ur going to get somewhere. But trust me, ur better off lowering ur tone and just addressing the issues sensibly and with consideration. Maybe even learn from it."

Learn that AE Cheat staff are pathetic little people that don't even bother to check IP's?

Damn freaking right, we will continue the strike as planned, and until then, AE will continue to lose any Air Alliance members playing Sim1 (and there's about ten-fifteen total).

Your IPs are not the point of the argument in this case. Doesnt matter if you lived in Antartica and your friend in a remote African tribe, the point is case is this:
That is an unfair advantage at the start of a game and is HIGHLY regulated by the anti-cheat stuff.

Now, i dont know the circumstances behind the matter nor do i know who is involved. Im just the forum moderator using his vast amount of knowledge over these nearly 5 years of playing AE to help u understand the situation, because i been in a similar position myself.

And finally, i took the $50 mil fine in the chin and still finished in the top 3. I clearly stated what i did in regard to those purchases however was still fined. I had no trouble accepting the decision.




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And what is your point?

I could easily have gone and sold that plane at full market value.

For benefit there is also detriment - I went without the other 50% market value as to support Olly - as an alliance does.

You'd think being an Alliance President you'd understand my point, supporting members.

However, you don't seem to - which makes me glad i'm not a part of your alliance.



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May I just ask how I was supposed to know about what happened 2 or 3 years ago when it hasn't been a year since I signed up!?

Also,as Glennos famously said "We are just using what's in the game - no more, no less."

As it happens, I have calmed down a bit, but can I have my aircraft and routes e.t.c. back soon? I feel my time on this game has been wasted.

Having read this post in whole it’s quite clear that the reason for the removal / fine or other issues is due to the sale / purchase of ½ priced or close to it aircraft.

This game play has been going on for years, some escape the cheat police, others face fines or even in some past cases total massive fines resulting in total bans.

Miller, while I can’t directly comment on his behalf, has tried hard to stamp out the cheating issues the game is faced with, one thinks that this round with his offering of $50m in starting cash rather then the past of $5m was hoping that this 10 fold increase would further stop cheating of ½ priced deals.

This game doesn’t restrict ½ priced sales, anyone can list an aircraft at ½ prices, however, when there are a few ½ priced deals to or from the same airline, the cheat staff (Which I am NOT one) would consider this gaining unfair advantage, and act as a result.

Unfair advantage is the main reason why they act, its not a direct attack to any player or alliance member of any alliance.

I have been accused in the past, with other girl alliance members, and took it on the chin just like Maestro stated. All a learning strategy that we hope others will not suffer the same fate. Even in my office we have 5 players all using the same IP and I could be considered running unfair advantage, but I am the only one playing, the others gave up and just buy and sell aircraft. Once they finish I will declare their accounts like I have done in the past.

As my past post stated, you should directly PM the cheat staff and try to iron this out behind closed doors, and try not to air it in public as all it does is cause concern to others playing the game, and remember its just a game.


I'm a moderator, that's all.

Consult me for AE moderation issues.



    Air Alliance Member

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I do see your point, however, as I said above, I went without 50% market value (and so did LostWorld) as to assist Olly.

It is not as simple as Olly benefiting, it also includes the detriment to Lost and myself, who yet again could have sold these at full value.

There is no rule against it, and it hardly constitutes as cheating.

So what's the golden rule here, assist others & get fined?

If so, I want no involvement anyway.

FlyWorld Air

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While this is true Janice, all I want is to have my planes back and to be able to carry on as I was doing...

No offence to anyone but if Miller wanted no 1/2 price sales, then why does it let you sell at less than market value? Do you really expect us to pay upto 150% of the value of a plane this early in the game?
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FlyWorld Air

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Sorry to double post, but there's more. I only scanned the messages earlier.

Janice, I only had 1 minute and 2 seconds to respond before I was taken down.

I now have 0 gates, and -$7,800,000 so my involvement for the round is over, save declaring bankruptcy, which means I'll lose everything. I really can't be bothered wasting my time starting again all because someone in the Cheat Police (I can read that forum) didn't follow protocol. I feel my time here has been wasted and my future as a player of AE is in doubt.
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Janice, I only had 1 minute and 2 seconds to respond before I was taken down.

I understand that you do have access to the other part of the restricted to the general public forum and as I have stated, (I am NOT on the Cheat Board) neither would I want a role like that.

However, there are two sides to every issue, I am not in a position to comment other than what I read within the forums and as you have provided a valued service towards the advancement of AE I just hoped that you did take my advise and made direct contact to them in a last-ditch attempt to resolve this.

Other than this, I am not able to offer much more assistance to you. Sorry.:cry:


I'm a moderator, that's all.

Consult me for AE moderation issues.

FlyWorld Air

FlyWorld Air

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Well thanks Janice, I have tried, but unfortunately not much has been done. Hopefully I'll still be around for the start of the next round, but I certainly see no point continuing now. Hopefully before the next round I'll have completed a good amount of airports, sufficient enough to add into iller's list to add by the reset. But, I shall still browse the forums and offer assistance to those who need it.

Good luck with the game guys!

P.S., Clarke, you may aswell call off the strike, nothing can be achieved here that hasn't been achieved already.
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May I just ask how I was supposed to know about what happened 2 or 3 years ago when it hasn't been a year since I signed up!?

I'm new to the game... joined exactly 12 days ago. There was no help guide or rules guide on the official webpage, not even a list of aircraft found in Sim1 (the list only applies to Sim2)!

So how am I supposed to know what happened 2-3 years ago? How am I supposed to know exactly what constitutes cheating? I've been playing by common sense... obviously you can't have multiple accounts and just sell yourself the planes at half price. But if these deals are completely legit, then it should be fine.

Although I appreciate your advice, this is a problem that the admin needs to resolve.

Admins ~ you might consider the following...

1. Posting a list of rules instead of leaving us to assume what they are. If they're posted, apparently they're not in a clear location.
2. Check the wiki that has been started (Google "Airline Empires Tutorial") and actually read the information. If you're too lazy to put up a guide, then someone else with a good heart will...
3. If you don't want people selling aircraft at half price, then DON'T EVEN HAVE THE OPTION! I'm sure it's not too hard to change the code.
4. Same applies with private deals - if you don't want them in the game, then why is it even allowed at all? New players will undoubtedly discover this and use it, since it is a feature of the game.
5. I finally checked the message times of the anti-cheat software activation. What I found... the admins gave me around 2 minutes to reply to their warning message before removing my aircraft, removing my routes, dumping me 2mil in debt, and letting my aircraft simply idle. Maybe it'd be smart to let the player actually respond first before you have them pissed off at you, especially if you've made a wrong call.

Airline Empires isn't the only free sim there is... and by pissing off players like this, you're bound to lose them from the game, which generates you less revenue overall. True, cheaters should be penalized, but you better do your research and find out if someone you accuse of cheating is actually cheating.

And if this issue isn't resolved in a timely manner, you can bet that there will be fewer players next round.
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here would be a simple solution... have no cheat police... make it automated... the site would ckeck itself... would require some coding but would eliminate the people that from what i have read, seem like they are just doing it to screw people...

so just wanna make sure, its cheating to sell a aircraft at half price to an airline now?
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Why is it allowed if its cheating. Alliance are an integral part of the airline world, and If in the game Alliance have no point, because you can't even sell each other planes at more competitive prices, why would you have the alliances? The only reasons you don't want this on here is because you don't want people realizing that this happens, and then go to one of the other multitudes of sims there are on the internet.
Just My Two Cents.



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Funny this topic has been debated to death for 4 years now and there still lacks any concrete rules on private sales, especially early on in the game.
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