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Sim 2 Used Aircraft

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I don't understand how this works. I placed a bid(s). I see some aircraft for sale already, but how does one buy the aircraft?




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I don't understand how this works. I placed a bid(s). I see some aircraft for sale already, but how does one buy the aircraft?


can you try to read forums as there is a post on this subject.


I'm a moderator, that's all.

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I have read the manual and the tutorial, both of which do not speak to this subject. I was not aware that had to search pages of posts to perhaps find a topic that may have the answer to my question.

FYI: I did scan the topics of the first page to see if any were relevent to my query.



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can you try to read forums as there is a post on this subject.

The problem is that the thread title didn't have anything to do with used aircraft, so I tihnk people can be excused if they skipped it. At any rate, Jay, we just don't know. The new system has been implemented without much of an explanation.



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Ah, I've found the answer . . . tucked in a thread entitled "Miller -Oh, it's so nice to see!!!" I'm sure I was to know that the answer to my question concerning how used aircraft purchases work was to be included in a thread so entitled.

And, the answer came from an AE Developer who said, "I don't know exactly how it works . . . But we'll sure find out how it works within the next few days..."

And you would assume that a beginner like me would not ask this question? Interesting . . .

EDIT: Doug, it seems we posted at the same time. You're quite right I would skip over a thread with a title that gives no description of its contents.

Thank you.



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For those beginners, such as myself, who wish to have the answer to the question I asked in the opening post, here it is:

The number of bids as well as the number of offered aircraft control the demand factor (the percentage you see). The higher the number of bids (=demand), the higher the factor. The shown percentage will be added to/deducted from the value of the aircraft. So if that value and the age of the aircraft is within the limits you outlined when placing your bid (and provided you have enough cash), it should be yours.

I'm however unsure who will receive the aircraft if multiple bidders fall into the above criteria and when the aircraft purchase will actually take place.

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