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I made a mistake....

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Not so long ago, and before I started reading the forums, I created an airline (American Eagle) then I got so hooked on the game I started another (Crash Air). Then I was reading through the forums just now and saw all of the posts on having more than 1 airline uses up the bandwidth. You see, I am extremely un-knowledgable when it comes to that kind of stuff.
But now I realise that I should get rid of 1 of my airlines so I will toss out American Eagle by returning all gates, ditching the planes and filing bankruptcy, then not logging into it so it stays dormant or deletes itself (from what I read).
As for the bandwidth, I would hope that others would do the same good deed and follow this practice. I think this will help alot with the overcrowding of airports and the lack of gates.
My apologies to all for running 2 airlines but I have seen the light at the end of the runway.



    El Original Mod, AE Beta Tester

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Well, leave American Eagle dormnat for more than 2 weeks and it should be automatically delete from the database, as Miller said in another previous post.

Nice to see at least some people are making correct decisions, making the game fairer for all by getting rid of the second airline they have.





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Originally posted by Wingnut
My apologies to all for running 2 airlines but I have seen the light at the end of the runway.

If you see a light at the end of the runway you need to go around!!!!

Just kidding sorry I had to:D



    I heart Embraer!

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As long as you know it was wrong

Morale of story: READ THE FOURMS:o



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good on 'ya.

Anyway, I don't know if the 2 week thing actauly works, my friend had one that was dormant for much longer and logged back to find it still worked (this was in v2). However, if all aircraft are mothballed and all gates are returned, it shouldn't be using any resourcs if you aren't logging in.



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im glad that you are doing this. you are doing the right thing ;)



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Originally posted by Wingnut
Not so long ago, and before I started reading the forums, I created an airline (American Eagle) then I got so hooked on the game I started another (Crash Air). Then I was reading through the forums just now and saw all of the posts on having more than 1 airline uses up the bandwidth. You see, I am extremely un-knowledgable when it comes to that kind of stuff.
But now I realise that I should get rid of 1 of my airlines so I will toss out American Eagle by returning all gates, ditching the planes and filing bankruptcy, then not logging into it so it stays dormant or deletes itself (from what I read).
As for the bandwidth, I would hope that others would do the same good deed and follow this practice. I think this will help alot with the overcrowding of airports and the lack of gates.
My apologies to all for running 2 airlines but I have seen the light at the end of the runway.

Bravo Indeed. For a person to give up an airline is one thing, but an apology on the forum. It almost makes ya want to cry;)

Hats off to ya mate.



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At least I know someone's being honest about their other airline.



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Originally posted by galapagapop

Originally posted by Wingnut
Not so long ago, and before I started reading the forums, I created an airline (American Eagle) then I got so hooked on the game I started another (Crash Air). Then I was reading through the forums just now and saw all of the posts on having more than 1 airline uses up the bandwidth. You see, I am extremely un-knowledgable when it comes to that kind of stuff.
But now I realise that I should get rid of 1 of my airlines so I will toss out American Eagle by returning all gates, ditching the planes and filing bankruptcy, then not logging into it so it stays dormant or deletes itself (from what I read).
As for the bandwidth, I would hope that others would do the same good deed and follow this practice. I think this will help alot with the overcrowding of airports and the lack of gates.
My apologies to all for running 2 airlines but I have seen the light at the end of the runway.

Bravo Indeed. For a person to give up an airline is one thing, but an apology on the forum. It almost makes ya want to cry;)

Hats off to ya mate.


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