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  • AIM Screen Name:parsonparsons
because the cleveland browns are close to clinching a playoff spot clevelandbrownsair has decided to create a new logo in support of the team. the term 'believeland' was derived earlier this year to tell all fans outside of cleveland that as browns fans we 'believe' in the team. we at clevelandbrownsair would also like to say that we believe in our airline and notice that the airline is climbing up the rankings, similar to the football team. the turnaround from the beginning of the year for the football team and the beginning of the game for the airline is very apparent. both have come from impossible odds to be considered in the top part of their game. we would like to wish good luck to the football team and hope to represent them well in both sim 1 and sim 2. GO BROWNS!

andrew parsons
ceo believelandbrownsair 9690
vice president ACE alliance
vice president and director of public relations for ACE alliance.

cleveland rocks! pittsburgh sucks! and i wont even get into that other city in that state over there near washington DC that stole my team. i also dont give a damn for the whole state of michigan cause im from ohio but thats beside the point!

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