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So I read the FAQ, and STILL confused - Help please :D

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Hi all,

before splashing the cash on a nice, shiny long haul fleet of trip 7s could someone clarify the following from the FAQ for me please:

Frequently Asked Questions:
Q. I have an MD-11 with 22 hours and the range to do ONT-NRT but when I go to crate the route, it tells me it can't.

A. There is a little check box above Continue that says round trip. Unclick that and continue.

Q. Do I have to do a return flight with a round trip?

A. No

The easy bit to understand is this: the a/c can be put on the nice long routes that take 12 odd hours. But here is my question:

If the game logic says it can't get back to base again what then happens? Do you have to put it on infill at the far end of the route? or can you put it on another single direction route to come back? Just seems weird that it "magics" itself back to its start point each day, or am I missing something?






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It's just a game, but what I think happens is that it might operate the outbound on the first day and then operate the inbound the next day.



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It's just a game, but what I think happens is that it might operate the outbound on the first day and then operate the inbound the next day.

Ah, that makes more sense! Thanks.


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