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The Game is full...

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Almost no empty airfields left only overcrowded price pressured fields, there much more players then there fields are so its almost imossible for a new player to make some money and have fun playing the game ... :ssleepy:



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the game isnt even halfway over!



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I was going to say the game was dead, look at the order books for Embraer or Bombardier. Really short and not a lot of airlines!

The game used have a lot more variety at one stage...
Aer Solas



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The used market used to offer a lot more too




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I'm actually quitting the transport business in Sim1 and going into 2nd hand sales for the time being. My airline was doing fine, but there wasn't much scope for expansion. I've also been doing very well in sim2 (not hard though), so thats that, I suppose.



    Watchdog's Senior Manager

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I got all your aircraft as well and moved into NRT. Made my day




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Well, almost all! I unwittingly upset Limbo in the process though.



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My, my people. The action is on sim2. Of course I'm not just saying that because I'm actually doing good.At least every other game month there is a load of planes for sale in the used plane market.

In almost every world, I use the airline "Alto Airlines" unless I don't feel like it :yes:




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Sim 2 is good fun, but I wouldn't take doing well in it as any indication of how good you are at the game. I'm currently in the top 10 and my route planning has been pretty poor.



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umm. I'm at rank 114. I'm basically selling planes to get where I am. I'm going to set up routes after I get a lot of money. And I'm also waiting until the problems with the negative gates is fixed.

In almost every world, I use the airline "Alto Airlines" unless I don't feel like it :yes:



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I had th esame problem started 18 days ago with the game finding my way around, made 100.000$ profit a day to save for a new arcraft but didnt know when you buy an aircraft and cancel the order you loose the down payment so i started over and now its hard to get 10.000-20.000 aday with 2 aircrafts wich is not even enough to pay for gate rent. And because they cant fly long routes and all the short routes are over crowded i have to wait for a fresh start....

So now im flying with 1 plane a bad route wich is making 10.000 aday but i dont have the cash to buy new gates, im now trying to sell 2 planes and then get positive budget again so i can buy new gates well see if it works...



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Game is far from full and there are a lot of players who are NOT playing.

The top 25 players have a monolopy and can squash any new player or trash a route to make it impossible for new activity.

An issue with the game has forced many not to play in the original game and till those issues are addressed this game will remain the same ;)



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Indeed thats true, increasing the amount of airports adding a aircraft lease construction because you have to pay for it in cash atleast half of the salesprice if that could be lowered by leasing an aircraft its far better to compete, airfield gates are to expensive for small planes and much to cheap for big airplanes.
For now its if you cant generated sufficiant cash you cant compete. Top 25 is littrly making loads off money flying long routes for best prices and bashing prices on the short routes or buying all gates there are left at the best places.
If someone is playing the game well it should be more difficult for him to play the game. so you get diffrent levels in the game
beginners, novious experianced and the die hards...
using profit taxes, terrorist attacks increasing insurance prices or anything else to make it harder to win ....

It would be nice to find more profitable routes easier instead off surfing the websites for hours to find one..




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Terrorist attacks?? That would be in insanely poor taste! Not to mention a pretty flippant and massively inconsiderate stab at 'realism', considering terrorism's impact on aviation in recent years. I hardly think a simulated 9/11 is the best way to make the game more attractive for newcomers. For pity's sake, please actually think before you suggest something like that!

A wider scope of airline businesses would help a lot: air cargo, charter (although probably quite hard to implement, unless it meant sub-contract flying for other airlines in the game, or bidding for contracts established by administrators), helicopters/smaller aircraft (i.e. S61's and Twin Otters, although this would require a huge amount of effort in introducing small airfields), ground handling (good way to make a profit on the side, serving other airlines, if not, just consolodating your own operations), the ability to lease terminal space that your airline owns to others, perhaps differentiating between business and leisure passangers (i.e. certain airports being geared more towards a certain type of market), different fares for different classes & the ability to decide how many first or economy seats you have on board, regional franchise flying for larger carriers, the list goes on. Anything that can be done to make route planning more complex can help, simply by virtue of the fact that it will slow down the rate of expansion in-game. Airlines will have to play smarter and more carefully, rather than just dumping an A330 from JFK-SFO with one set fare for all seats and flat-rate gate/landing fees.

Unfortunately, new measures such as those would probably require a lot more policing in-game, so miller would have to bring quite a few new people on board to help.



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hm u voluentering ?? Wel some are nice suggestions , even mentioned by Miller to be implemented into the next version , but i'm afraid we haven't heard nor seen much of Miller lately did we ?
Theo ceo Limbo Lines
ID #9350
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hah! Doubtful, I barely have enough time as it is to even play at the moment! Hence my dropping out of sim1. If i'm more free in the future and the call goes out though, i'd certainly put myself forward to help moderate. Coding is totally beyond me though!

You're right though, I wouldn't count on getting your hopes up about changes anytime soon, which is a shame. But still, I look forward to it all the same!



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gba222: your right sorry,
further the game development stopped then, a shame i think just adding more airfields and a proratio gate/landing fee will do the trick for the near future.



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Miller has in the past had many players (former) offered to assist in the post-production of the advancement of this game.

Some have emailed and PM'ed him with no reply.

Guess the guy wants to keep it within his own grips, also TorqueWrench did perform a lot but like a ghost, TW has not been seen in the forums or game for a long time now.

End result is:

This game is what it is.
You play for FREE
You play the way it is and do not expect any vast changes
You live with all the bugs and even a simple used aircraft sorting list will never get fixed.

This is why those who play round after round are addicted and those who quit and find a live outside AE do return to see if any vast changes.

On a side note on those who are playing this round in Sim 1 may I ask ???

You all keep playing the same departure locations, I will not name any names nor hint but if you are serious about this game and want to accept new challanges why not just try altering the play patten a little.

Madrid / CDG / LHR / JFK / FCO / FRA / EWR / MCO / ALT / SFO / LAX / LAS and so on, players like a bee around a queen seem to nest there.

Be serious and try to challange your own skills and alter the game plan and see if all the years of playing AE will keep you still in the top 10 :P

Remember, if you keep within the same location all you are doing is stepping within your own footprints and after a while you will never advance in life.;)



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Remember, if you keep within the same location all you are doing is stepping within your own footprints and after a while you will never advance in life.;)

True, but if you already know which routes are profitable with which aircraft and can easily expand because of the increased earnings, why bother? Look at some of the top 20 airlines. Most of them do start in the same place every time. I'm not sure where that quote came from, but it sounds like someone that tried staring in one of those locations, only to find the competition from some of the top 20 to much to handle. :saint:
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True, but if you already know which routes are profitable with which aircraft and can easily expand because of the increased earnings, why bother?

I was only just stating a fact, sure I was also guilty in the past having looked at an easy jump-start. But last round because of the LF bug I moved from a route that one was having the LF Issue and went to Ireland and still made the top 15.

That location is a challange one which I enjoyed.

My original post was to the others who just keep hanging around the same locations time and time again, in a game (just a game) what challange is that?:puzzled:

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