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re: The Real Ian Air

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Why was my thread removed??
Are we editing who's a favorite and who's not Glennos??



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I think u can answer the first question u pose by yourself. I think the answer is well-known.




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I predicted this would happen, and very glad I didn't delete my photobucket images.

1. My message from Ian Air in my inbox.

Posted Image

2. A closeup on the left alignment on my PC.

Posted Image

3. A closeup of Juan's left alignment on his screenshot.

Posted Image

Juan has made an editing error with his "Ian Air" having a deviation of one pixel to the right. His screenshot is 100% FAKE.



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Thought we got past this. Some people just never learn.
Australis- Thank you again
C U N A R D- Thank you very much!




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Australis, you're a moderator not a censorer!! I know your intentions were valid, but you should have let the thread to continue so all players could have viewed all the evidence and formed their own conclusions.

As far as my so called "pixel error", lets see if I understand this:

1. I post a real screenshot from my computer, filled with profantity and threats of cheating from Ian Air, in order to back up Watchdogs previous accusations.

2. Australis (Ian's buddy) immediately takes the unprecedented step of pulling and thus censoring the entire thread.

3. Cunard takes my original screenshot image (which is no longer available here thanks to Australis) and doctors my original screenshot somehow to make it look like a fraud.

4. Cunard then reposts the fake screenshot claiming the my original was a fraud.

But heh, no one has access to the original now because the thread was censored. Isn't that convenient??? And it took a day or so to doctor up my original didn't it Cunard, so of course you needed the time to do it, and hence the posting today.




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Youre gonna have high blood pressure before this is all over. Find something else to do with your spare time. If you hate the way everyone but you and watchdog play the game, leave.

People would believe you more often if you did something besides accuse other players of cheating or being immoral human beings, but its all you ever do. People are just sick of hearing it i guess.

Also, I have the original image you posted, as I was going to do the same thing Cunard did. So if anyone wants it, let me know.

Colgan Air (ID #13318)



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you should have thrown a " BYYAAA!!!!!! " at the end of that.

Take it easy.

Colgan Air (ID #13318)



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Maybe he likes the attention?

Anyway, we have heard enough of this type of thing, why doesn't someone just prevent him from posting in the forums - I mean he would still be able to play the game but wouyldn't have the opportunity to scream bloody murder at everyone?

Flybe - Who'd've thought Pixies and Trolls would be certified pilots?



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5 years in the online gaming scene...I already feel like a veteran, which is in a way quite sad.

Knew that Juan would come back and accuse me of doctoring. Little does Juan know this was posted in the original thread, and it stayed long enough for drv4truk to post his own reply.

Anyway, I rest my case.



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so all players could have viewed all the evidence and formed their own conclusions.[/U]

As far as my so called "pixel error", lets see if I understand this:

1. I post a real screenshot from my computer, filled with profantity and threats of cheating from Ian Air, in order to back up Watchdogs previous accusations.

2. Australis (Ian's buddy) immediately takes the unprecedented step of pulling and thus censoring the entire thread.

3. Cunard takes my original screenshot image (which is no longer available here thanks to Australis) and doctors my original screenshot somehow to make it look like a fraud.

4. Cunard then reposts the fake screenshot claiming the my original was a fraud.

But heh, no one has access to the original now because the thread was censored. Isn't that convenient??? And it took a day or so to doctor up my original didn't it Cunard, so of course you needed the time to do it, and hence the posting today.


Let me ask u this... why didnt u post a full page and not one section???

It is very easy to cut stuff and do things with it. If u want us to believe it, i expect a full screenshot of the WHOLE page, not just one piece of the pie. Obviously, u must think we are all idiots right?

And i closed the thread because i decided to. I dont have no obligations to no one, not even u. Thats why im a moderator, because i make choices which are meant to stop this and keep the forums clean.

Btw, for everyone's info, i can still have access to the original thread. People may not see it as i deleted it, but for me, i have 100% access to the information there if need be.




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this doesnt even warrant a response anymore....
stop trying to stir things up with your lies



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I’ve been suspicious of Ian Air’s operation almost from the start. I’ve voiced it and believe the censorship that has been created by “alliances”, “friends”, or “respect” are not valid. This is ludicrous that a moderator/friend of ian air has the ability to do this. Post the message/email in its entirety and let’s make the decision for ourselves.



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I’ve been suspicious of Ian Air’s operation almost from the start. I’ve voiced it and believe the censorship that has been created by “alliances”, “friends”, or “respect” are not valid. This is ludicrous that a moderator/friend of ian air has the ability to do this. Post the message/email in its entirety and let’s make the decision for ourselves.

you have been suspicious why? because im doing good?
and australis is not my friend, his alliance is in direct competition with mine. he sees it how it is.
C U N A R D posted the proof genius



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goflyme, if he had an issue, he needs to 'learn' to take it up with authority. Plenty of people have pm me about issues they see with certain airlines and i have pasted it on to the anti-cheat police or Torque/Miller to deal with it.

Obviously, someone should LEARN to follow the rules. Juan is no different from anyone else on this forum. So if he thinks he can just do this because he thinks its cool and just wanting a shouting match, well it aint happening while im around.

Its either show the truth and prove it, or the highway... that simple ladies and gentlemen.


LOT 737-300

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I PMed Jaun Trippe to send me the original screenshots so I can personally have a look at them. When he finally does, I'll post my findings on my alliance's forum and link them here. As for the censorship, really, I feel there are more important things to delete, like the last posts of this thread for example:


I personally don't have a problem with pics myself, but we do have younger players on the forum, and if they see those or their parents see them. They might get up in arms and Miller will be getting in some nice trouble (since he owns this forum), and the last thing I want to see while watching TV is Miller being put into a Police Car because people think that he has been "distributing porn to minors" (assuming those links on the photos lead to porn websites.)

Posts deleted since I posted this, thank you mods.



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Everyone knows that all he is going to do is edit his original post to fix what he was called out for. I cant believe people are actually still listening to this guy after he has been proven wrong time and time again. I think the best solution is to have australis post the original message again, that way it is 100% legit....and it will once again proe C U N A R D's post as legit and correct and this matter can be closed for good



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this doesnt even warrant a response anymore....
stop trying to stir things up with your lies

Bingo. We're definitely at the "please don't feed the troll" stage - every week this guy says someone different is cheating. It has gotten old.

LOT 737-300

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Bingo. We're definitely at the "please don't feed the troll" stage - every week this guy says someone different is cheating. It has gotten old.

Actually, it has mostly been centered around ian and Australis, but yeah it is getting old. About 24 hours since I sent the PM and still no Screenshots. Too bad, he probebly could've had a more neutral source prove him right or wrong (I would've fowarded it to two other people as well to take a look at it.)



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LOT you obviously have missed the original thread where he was proven wrong by a neutral source.



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Don't belive the missdirection. I don't think Ian has been truthfull at all...whatever happended to the saturn five link and the austrailis link? I think there needs to be more of an investigation. Why don't you post the original mesage and we could make our own decision...whether its a fake or not let us decide not a friendly moderator.

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