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??! "oh what the heck!" wrongly shut down!!!!! explaination inside! :(

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    Wells Air

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Well here is the story, today i woke up to find that i had 24 messages from AE and 1 hate mail from PSA airlines claiming that he is going to crash all of my routes. I also saw that all my aircraft (22 airplanes, see in sig for details) were gone!!! And at the bottom of all of these messages was a message from Ae saying that anti-cheat software had been activated on my profile for having multiple airlines. Then i said???? what?? huh?? this cant be possible.. then i realized that the only way that could happen is if they made a mistake. Because me and my brother share the same IP adress (only when we are at our dads house) And my brother had multiple airlines (Quak Air, Quak air II, Wells air, Air wells, wells air) which all got shut down when he was using this IP adress i have never ever recieved a message from AE about anti-cheat software, feeders or none of the crap so i feel as if I HAVE BEEN CHEATED! As i have did nothing wrong so why should i be punished? even if AE addmits that they made a mistake and thought that i was my brother how am i going to get my 22 airplanes back? how am going to get my 35 out of 1098 ranking back? how am i going to get my 29 gates back which some are not available anymore? How am i going to be able to get out of 20 million dollars debt when ae has blocked bankruptcy filling?? please i would like answers to all of these. I am out of a airline! i love this game, and i spent hours on it now a simple mistake is blocking me from playing it!!!! Please AE or ant-cheat software people fix the mistake!! Thank you for your time reading this, and tell me what you think of me being wrongly accused and if the ae people need anymore evidence that i am not lieing or whatever, feel free to ask because i have nothing to hide. if this is in the wrong forum please move this thread to proper location. Thanks
:) :ssleepy: :puzzled:
Airline name: *Wells Air
ID number: 12977
Fleet: 3x Beech 1900D
On delivery: Nothing yet
Logo:Posted Image

*This is My new airline, I did not like "Oh what the HECK" anymore so i started a new one and quit that one :P



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Had you 7 gates at FRA ? :) Sad story .. :)
Posted Imagehttp://www.freewebs....retian/IVAO.bmp
Posted Image
19x Boeing 737-900
7x Boeing 757-300
3x Boeing 757-200
2x Airbus A330-300

HUB: Brussels Int.

ID: 12446



    Wells Air

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No i did not have 7 gates at frankfort but i know that you hold gates and sell them to people.
Airline name: *Wells Air
ID number: 12977
Fleet: 3x Beech 1900D
On delivery: Nothing yet
Logo:Posted Image

*This is My new airline, I did not like "Oh what the HECK" anymore so i started a new one and quit that one :P



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No no I don't do that. If I see the I just take them and sell them, but I'm not a gate brocker. But suddenly 7 gates came free on FRA and I thaught that an airline went bankrupt. Since you tell me this story, well I don't know :)
Posted Imagehttp://www.freewebs....retian/IVAO.bmp
Posted Image
19x Boeing 737-900
7x Boeing 757-300
3x Boeing 757-200
2x Airbus A330-300

HUB: Brussels Int.

ID: 12446



    Wells Air

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I want my airline back!
Airline name: *Wells Air
ID number: 12977
Fleet: 3x Beech 1900D
On delivery: Nothing yet
Logo:Posted Image

*This is My new airline, I did not like "Oh what the HECK" anymore so i started a new one and quit that one :P



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how how I didn't do anything I'm just trying to figure out which gates you had and where my 7 came from ...
Posted Imagehttp://www.freewebs....retian/IVAO.bmp
Posted Image
19x Boeing 737-900
7x Boeing 757-300
3x Boeing 757-200
2x Airbus A330-300

HUB: Brussels Int.

ID: 12446



    Wells Air

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cretian what are you talking about? i know that you didnt do anything. all i said was that i want my airline back.
Airline name: *Wells Air
ID number: 12977
Fleet: 3x Beech 1900D
On delivery: Nothing yet
Logo:Posted Image

*This is My new airline, I did not like "Oh what the HECK" anymore so i started a new one and quit that one :P



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Yeah but maybe you where angry at me I don't know :)
Posted Imagehttp://www.freewebs....retian/IVAO.bmp
Posted Image
19x Boeing 737-900
7x Boeing 757-300
3x Boeing 757-200
2x Airbus A330-300

HUB: Brussels Int.

ID: 12446



    Wells Air

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update from Anti-cheat software staff via Private message: "Multiple airlines will not be tolerated in AE. You claim that there are two of you on one IP and that you are not the person responsible for all of these airlines. Fine. I can not replace your aircraft, but I can give you cash value for them.

Currently the staff are in the midst of voting on a Ban for your airline/IP. I will try to convince them otherwise. I would not suggest operating multiple airlines from the same IP again.


Lets hope that they make the right decision
Airline name: *Wells Air
ID number: 12977
Fleet: 3x Beech 1900D
On delivery: Nothing yet
Logo:Posted Image

*This is My new airline, I did not like "Oh what the HECK" anymore so i started a new one and quit that one :P



    Wells Air

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was just getting to that. You should have the cash for your aircraft back before month change. I was just asked to verify that there have been no transactions between the other airlines.

Originally Posted by dwellz
Uhm you restored my original cash back, am i going to get the money back for the value of my aircraft so i can repurchase me aircraft? i will go ahead and buy Beeches to hold on to my gates but i would like to know if i am going to get the value of my airplanes back so i can nuy them again. Thanks man for being helpful

Originally Posted by Anti-Cheat Staff
Hurry up and buy a couple B19s so you can hang onto your gates. Then purchase your aircraft.

Originally Posted by dwellz
Man i really want my airline back, i have been wrongly accused, i even gave you the names of the airlines that my brother had and they got shut down. Please let me know if you guys need any other info. Also if am am going to be getting cash valure back for my airplanes can you please give it to me before the moth change so i wont lose my 29 gates and have to re-purchase them which i cant because some of my gates are sold out, thanks for your help and i hope that you guys make the right decision thanks

Originally Posted by Anti-Cheat Staff
Multiple airlines will not be tolerated in AE. You claim that there are two of you on one IP and that you are not the person responsible for all of these airlines. Fine. I can not replace your aircraft, but I can give you cash value for them.

Currently the staff are in the midst of voting on a Ban for your airline/IP. I will try to convince them otherwise. I would not suggest operating multiple airlines from the same IP again.

Airline name: *Wells Air
ID number: 12977
Fleet: 3x Beech 1900D
On delivery: Nothing yet
Logo:Posted Image

*This is My new airline, I did not like "Oh what the HECK" anymore so i started a new one and quit that one :P



    Wells Air

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OK everything is good now, i got the money for the value of my airplanes and they restored my original cash back. So mods you may delete this post now if you would like, thanks for the help! :)
Airline name: *Wells Air
ID number: 12977
Fleet: 3x Beech 1900D
On delivery: Nothing yet
Logo:Posted Image

*This is My new airline, I did not like "Oh what the HECK" anymore so i started a new one and quit that one :P



    AE Winner

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Well here is the story, today i woke up to find that i had 24 messages from AE and 1 hate mail from PSA airlines claiming that he is going to crash all of my routes.

Not really crash, but I could put $1 ticket prices on all our shared routes until you leave. :) You're the one wasting profits by having Q4's on 1200-1500 mile routes.
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    Wells Air

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lol ^ well i just ordered 4x A319, 4x A320, 4x A321, 4X A330 :) but it will be a while until they are delivered :) my rank went down because of that almost billion dollar order :D also i bought off of the used market, 5 beeches to hold my gates and 3x A319 to make a little cash until my new airplanes come and for my rank to stay ok. :P
Airline name: *Wells Air
ID number: 12977
Fleet: 3x Beech 1900D
On delivery: Nothing yet
Logo:Posted Image

*This is My new airline, I did not like "Oh what the HECK" anymore so i started a new one and quit that one :P



    AE Luver

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You need to berate your brother somewhat... If you use the same IP as a multi-account cheater, our software cant differentiate between the two. Its your brothers fault.

Our mods cant see behind the IP addresses...
I realised I was dyslexic when I went to a toga party dressed as a goat.

I saw that show, 50 Things To Do Before You Die. I would have thought the obvious one was "Shout For Help"

Cats have nine lives. Which makes them ideal for experimentation.



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ditto what tw says. and tbh even if you didn't do it you are responsible for your ip so keep cheaters from using it :)
-Dave, CEO of:
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AID: 7106

Numero Uno en San Francisco, Las Vegas, y ahora Los Angeles!



    Wells Air

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well my airline is slowly recovering, we are still only making 2 mil DOP :) but still have a lot more planes coming.... rank has gone up also... #79 this really set my airline back :)
Airline name: *Wells Air
ID number: 12977
Fleet: 3x Beech 1900D
On delivery: Nothing yet
Logo:Posted Image

*This is My new airline, I did not like "Oh what the HECK" anymore so i started a new one and quit that one :P



    AE Winner

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If you would have ordered a mix of airbus and Boeing (or even Embraer), you could have gotten your aircraft quicker and would have made a larger profit sooner. Instead, you are still waiting on your Airbus deliveries aren't you?
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If you would have ordered a mix of airbus and Boeing (or even Embraer), you could have gotten your aircraft quicker

I was going to say the same thing...
Takeoffs are optional; landings are mandatory.



    Wells Air

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True, you told me that prior to the purchase.... but its ok, i get 2 aircraft every month for a while now... got some more coming in 3 minutes :)
Airline name: *Wells Air
ID number: 12977
Fleet: 3x Beech 1900D
On delivery: Nothing yet
Logo:Posted Image

*This is My new airline, I did not like "Oh what the HECK" anymore so i started a new one and quit that one :P



    Wells Air

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Well we are still recovering, making a 3.8 mil DOP and ranked #54 :P
Airline name: *Wells Air
ID number: 12977
Fleet: 3x Beech 1900D
On delivery: Nothing yet
Logo:Posted Image

*This is My new airline, I did not like "Oh what the HECK" anymore so i started a new one and quit that one :P

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