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A fond good bye from Antonio27 (NOT A JOKE)

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Many of you may have noticed I have not posted much lately in a while. Reason being, several people are disliking my gallery posts over the last months and not liking it. The frustration level is pretty hard to even out into words. Pissed only partially can describe my feelings. Anyway that was as I said, the last straw. And yes I tried making a new livery that was going to look so good but was going to fail, trying to think that everyone would like me in the gallery.


So I made a major decision. That instead of playing the game and making liveries. That being, American Global, looks just horrible to everyone, as well with Southwestern Star, to everyone else. The redone livery of German Airways looks to bell not liked by everyone else on the gallery and saying "It sucks!" "Horrible" "-100000" stars " "Go to hell" "Go away from here for life" an many others.


Secondary, would be to go to another airline game simulator instead of playing this one because it looks a bit unrealistic to me. As well with the liveries that everyone doesn't like, it really hurts my feelings.


That being if I quit would make everyone extremely happy on the website that i'm no longer there and they said that they disliked my liveries I made on the gallery as being on this website can be tiring because of the inactivity that I have done other the last couple of months.


I want to thank everyone who has contributed to my enjoyment over the past couple year with Airline Empires and making it a fun hobby more times than not, especially all of the game words that I have been it, that made it really hard to me over that time.


Best wishes to all and I hope everyone stays healthy...






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If you enjoy this game don’t let what other players say make you quit - I’m sure your liveries are better than any I’ve ever made! 





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Sorry to hear that you have had a negative experience presenting your work here at AE. 


As mentioned by RDG, if you like the game dont let what other think about your liveries hurt you personally! Most of the members on the site do not even make liveries or post them, so already there you beat a few thousand members  :)


Also no one will be happy that you choose to leave, we all hit bumps from time to time in life, and its important to try and find a way to live with them, instead of trying to get rid of them. Trust me i know  :hug:



From a factual perspective though I have gone through all comments made on your content in the gallery, and out of about 130 comments made on the different pieces of work i only found one comment that would breach AE Guidelines as per January 9th. 


Most of the comments made seems (In my opinion) to be feedback, and the reality is that you can`t expect everyone to like.
There is advice in the comments on how you can improve on the liveries, and i think you might have misunderstood feedback as a criticism of you as a person witch it certainly not. 


The first livery i ever made where not too far off from what you have produced, and i have also gotten the heat of people disliking my work. 
During my first week here on AE, i had an experience ingame where i made an alliance and sent out invitations, and i only got back "Go to hell", "What kind of name is this", "Hell no" etc. Although it where unpleasant i got through it, and im sure you can as well!  :)  

I would also like to point out rule No.1 of the site. 




  • Personally directed attacks, insults, name-calling, or otherwise provocative posts are not allowed. Disagreements over ideas are sometimes unavoidable, but don't take it to a personal level. Use the personal conversations system, not the public forums, to resolve personal disputes.


So if you at any point felt that comments made, messages sent, etc where directed as a personally directed attack, its important to resolve the issue as soon as possible. Preferably by resolving the issue with the respective people, or involve the staff either directly or through the reporting system. 

Delta-Northwest  :viking: 




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Sorry to hear that you have had a negative experience presenting your work here at AE. 


As mentioned by RDG, if you like the game dont let what other think about your liveries hurt you personally! Most of the members on the site do not even make liveries or post them, so already there you beat a few thousand members  :)


Also no one will be happy that you choose to leave, we all hit bumps from time to time in life, and its important to try and find a way to live with them, instead of trying to get rid of them. Trust me i know  :hug:



From a factual perspective though I have gone through all comments made on your content in the gallery, and out of about 130 comments made on the different pieces of work i only found one comment that would breach AE Guidelines as per January 9th. 


Most of the comments made seems (In my opinion) to be feedback, and the reality is that you can`t expect everyone to like.
There is advice in the comments on how you can improve on the liveries, and i think you might have misunderstood feedback as a criticism of you as a person witch it certainly not. 


The first livery i ever made where not too far off from what you have produced, and i have also gotten the heat of people disliking my work. 
During my first week here on AE, i had an experience ingame where i made an alliance and sent out invitations, and i only got back "Go to hell", "What kind of name is this", "Hell no" etc. Although it where unpleasant i got through it, and im sure you can as well!  :)  

I would also like to point out rule No.1 of the site. 



So if you at any point felt that comments made, messages sent, etc where directed as a personally directed attack, its important to resolve the issue as soon as possible. Preferably by resolving the issue with the respective people, or involve the staff either directly or through the reporting system. 

Agreed. Although it is probably tens of thousands. 




If you enjoy this game don’t let what other players say make you quit - I’m sure your liveries are better than any I’ve ever made! 

^ agreed. don't let other players force you to quit. Just ignore them and play the game you want to play.

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Reginald L. Botha IV

Reginald L. Botha IV


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Dear abandoned,

   I am sorry to hear you were unhappy with the Airline Empires. I do not understand the people intent to say with "Go away from here for life." I like the game of airplane management but I also interest myself in meeting new peoples who like the aircrafts. By the liverys you made do you mean the GALLERY section? I personally am interest in GALLERY section but it is scary particularly if what say you is truth.

    Thank you,

        Reginald L. Botha IV.



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who are you..?



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who are you..?


Alas,  you and I shall never know this sad mystery.


I just play the game and wander into these forums every year or so.

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