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how to make a good airline?

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BOB the Pilot

BOB the Pilot

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hi, i just joined. i was wondering what is the best way to operate an airline. could you help me?




    master airliner

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here are some good tips!!



Have good reputation, buy from the used market. start in sandbox worlds, order cheaper aircraft, and when you begin, set all your employees at $7 pay (all of them) you can put them back after you have more money. build hubs/terminals, etc.


does this help?

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hi, i just joined. i was wondering what is the best way to operate an airline. could you help me?

Lease planes. Everything in aviation costs a lot; 300 million dollars is hardly worth a damn.

Lease planes until you can reasonably make a billion dollars in about a week or so's in-game time.

Don't even think about about buying brand new aircraft until money is no longer a factor for you. 50 747-400's? Yeah, whatever, just a drop in the ocean that should be your bank account.



Buy terminals at the first opportunity you can. Terminal upkeep costs in this game are absolutely broken. Pick 2-6 secondary airports with low competition (US examples: PHL, MSP, SAN, CLT, TPA, etc), declare it as your waifus and dedicate your resources to them. You should not be expanding to other hubs until you have all flights from 20x weekly 747-400's to maybe 5x weekly E190LR's from those 2-6 airports covered. Those will be your main hubs, and if anyone wants to compete with you... their funeral.



Realize that the best engine option is not always the best option for your aircraft. I.e. the B767-200ER has an engine that can give it significantly better runway performance, allowing you to remove the risk of competition at some airports for quite some time. Long range at Burbank seems illogical but it does make quite a bit of money if done right.



Don't compete. Just don't.



Idk tbh

B757-200 best plane you can't change my mind



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Oh, right: Pick an aircraft family for each range and stick with it. A320 family for medium range, B767 family for medium range, and A330 family for high capacity are 3 good starting families. I often operate a single family until I can reasonably lease multiple aircraft at a time.

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First thing to do is select your aircraft. Don’t pick anything except the first two options. Base your airline at a secondary airport like SLC or TPA in the US or China. If it’s after 2000, you can also base yourself in Europe.

Once you have created your airline is go to Airline Options, then click on Employees, and set all wages to $7/hr with no reserves. Then go to In Flight Service, create one with all 1 star food at max price and all amenities at max price. Set the IFS to be default on all routes. Then go to Buy New Aircraft and lease aircraft of the same family as your starter. 

Once you have a few routes set up you should make decent cash to lease more airplanes of different families. Once you have enough money, you should buy all your aircraft and build terminals at your hubs as they will save you lots of money. You should also have joined an alliance at this point, if you haven’t received an invite from one then go to Alliance Options and apply to the one that has the most hubs in your country.


Eventually, you will likely have hundreds of idle aircraft and billions of dollars in cash. But you can still profit without spending hours routing them all. This is when you need to find two hubs of yours or your alliance and built giant terminals at each of them. Then, place hundreds of idle aircraft on the route and set the price to $1. This generally works up to about 40,000 demand between two decently sized airport.


By using this strategy, I am able to consistently achieve top 10 placement in the valuation ranking, and I’m usually Number 1 for the first 10 years of the game.





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Eventually, you will likely have hundreds of idle aircraft and billions of dollars in cash. But you can still profit without spending hours routing them all. This is when you need to find two hubs of yours or your alliance and built giant terminals at each of them. Then, place hundreds of idle aircraft on the route and set the price to $1. This generally works up to about 40,000 demand between two decently sized airport.


By using this strategy, I am able to consistently achieve top 10 placement in the valuation ranking, and I’m usually Number 1 for the first 10 years of the game.


Extremely important note: DO NOT USE THIS STRATEGY ABOVE.

Everything before that is fine, but you need to avoid what AE players call "spamlining".
While it's not necessarily against the rules, it's considered by most to be an unfair exploit, and using it WILL annoy and aggravate every other player in the world.

It's best if you learn how to play the game fairly, without spamlining, as it will make the game more fun for everybody and will generally feel more "authentic", so to speak.


I know good sportsmanship doesn't hold that much weight in an online simulation game, but please, don't ruin the game for others.



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Extremely important note: DO NOT USE THIS STRATEGY ABOVE.

Everything before that is fine, but you need to avoid what AE players call "spamlining".
While it's not necessarily against the rules, it's considered by most to be an unfair exploit, and using it WILL annoy and aggravate every other player in the world.

It's best if you learn how to play the game fairly, without spamlining, as it will make the game more fun for everybody and will generally feel more "authentic", so to speak.


I know good sportsmanship doesn't hold that much weight in an online simulation game, but please, don't ruin the game for others.

Quick question: Is it spamlining if I follow normal laws of demand between hundreds of airports rather than spamming 400000 planes between two airports? I've been called a spamliner, but I'm not sure if that's down to the number of destinations I serve or having hundreds of gates gives the implication that I am spamming between my hubs.

B757-200 best plane you can't change my mind



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Quick question: Is it spamlining if I follow normal laws of demand between hundreds of airports rather than spamming 400000 planes between two airports? I've been called a spamliner, but I'm not sure if that's down to the number of destinations I serve or having hundreds of gates gives the implication that I am spamming between my hubs.


I doubt it, but we'd have to see what kind of numbers you have.



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I doubt it, but we'd have to see what kind of numbers you have.

31 hubs to 348 destinations with a fleet of 4988, mostly been avoiding competition up until lately.

I do try and avoid scheduling over 1.5x the market demand in seats, it just doesn't feel right to have 90x 747 flying between Nowhereville and Tumbleweedville, you know?

B757-200 best plane you can't change my mind



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31 hubs to 348 destinations with a fleet of 4988, mostly been avoiding competition up until lately.
I do try and avoid scheduling over 1.5x the market demand in seats, it just doesn't feel right to have 90x 747 flying between Nowhereville and Tumbleweedville, you know?

You're not spamlining then, you just have an unrealistically massive airline. This isn't too uncommon for AE though.



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31 hubs to 348 destinations with a fleet of 4988, mostly been avoiding competition up until lately.

I do try and avoid scheduling over 1.5x the market demand in seats, it just doesn't feel right to have 90x 747 flying between Nowhereville and Tumbleweedville, you know?

the largest I've ever run was Blueline Airways in S4B. it had 12 hubs (more realistic as American Airlines' got 10) flying to over 350 destinations worldwide (AA also operates to over 350 destinations) with a fleet of 905 aircraft + 100+ orders at the world's reset. (AA's got like 900 so mines very realistic) shame I was in 11th place on valuation (couple of spamliners) and 12th in valuation.

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the largest I've ever run was Blueline Airways in S4B. it had 12 hubs (more realistic as American Airlines' got 10) flying to over 350 destinations worldwide (AA also operates to over 350 destinations) with a fleet of 905 aircraft + 100+ orders at the world's reset. (AA's got like 900 so mines very realistic) shame I was in 11th place on valuation (couple of spamliners) and 12th in valuation.

Well, you didn't lose much as the sandbox worlds have no awards...



    master airliner

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Well, you didn't lose much as the sandbox worlds have no awards...

it is still a reward to get no 1 in the world though. (probably would make you pretty happy) 

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You're not spamlining then, you just have an unrealistically massive airline. This isn't too uncommon for AE though.

Thank goodness, I'd hate to be one of those toxic players.

United-American Southwest Airlines lives on! lol

B757-200 best plane you can't change my mind



    master airliner

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United-American Southwest Airlines lives on! lol

whoa I got worried for a second because I thought you just said United-American Southwest Airlines?

Chief Executive and Founder of Worldwide Alliance



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