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What's your least favourite aircraft in the game?

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Related to the other thread "What's your favourite aircraft in the game" I wondered what people's thoughts are on aircraft they particularly despise...


I'll start off by nominating the A340-500. Terribly inefficient, currently giving me terrible profits, and I can't wait to get rid of them and replace them with 787-8s.

"I'm not ashamed of the things I've done; I took the plane when I should have run" - Stuart Adamson



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Any plane can make you decent money in this game if you know how, although I haven't tested that on the Concorde or Tu-144. Aesthetically, the Concorde is the most beautiful aircraft in the world, but its economics are, well.....let's just say it was never designed to be economical. Spamlining aside, if I was to pick one I didn't like, it would probably be the Trident. A bureaucratically bungled design process, vastly under powered & with the weirdest nose gear system in the world, all conspired to make it a bit of a dog. Boeing took the concept, fixed all three of those problems, & showed how it was supposed to be done with the 727.



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I think any aircraft below 80 seats is really, for me at least, my least favourite aircraft.


While they make money overall, i find the expenses associated with operating said aircraft is inefficient for any AE airlines, unless you are trying to make a semi-realistic concept in game.


Another one is the Concorde, which i truly would love to have in my fleets, but the economics of said aircraft in AE makes it not viable, unless is very specific circumstances.


Mr Tree

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I think any aircraft below 80 seats is really, for me at least, my least favourite aircraft.


While they make money overall, i find the expenses associated with operating said aircraft is inefficient for any AE airlines, unless you are trying to make a semi-realistic concept in game.

Not only that, but the time commitment required to put them into operation is simply not worth it. As you mentioned, the costs can be much greater per passenger even with fuel flow savings, and operating something like an An-2 out of LHR is just never going to be profitable



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Tupolev Tu-104 is my least favourite airliner.

It appears in  1956, and in my personal 1 to 100 classification, it gets 12 points.

New  players usually flock, ordering it, just to understand that a jet is not better just because is is a jet. Even worse, I understood there were players trying to keep them, and runing routes with flat profits.


This said, the absolute worst plane ever is the Tupolev Tu-144S appearing in 1974. It goes off the chart with an overall classification of minus 18.

You could fill a large swimming pool with the fuel it spent in an hour.



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Not only that, but the time commitment required to put them into operation is simply not worth it. As you mentioned, the costs can be much greater per passenger even with fuel flow savings, and operating something like an An-2 out of LHR is just never going to be profitable

Actually, it is not that bad. You just have to identify airports within 1200-1500 range (most small planes are within this limit; there are not that many of suh airports), buy a number of aircrafts and just mass connection airport one after another. It takes no longer than any bigger airport-to-airport connection.

I do agree on a small profit, but if you are looking for a good ranking position (let's say top 15) this small profit will make a difference at the end of the game when you will have all big airports connected, and the small airports will not have a free gate.



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Tupolev Tu-104 is my least favourite airliner

This jet is not feasible unless flown on very short haul.


Concord can not remain feasible unless  used only on certain routes and Special Worlds.



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anything more than 440 seats :D

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