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I've been thinking...

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    AE's resident Yooper.

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So I just recently thought of something. As we all know vehicles nowadays come with lane-keeping assist, blind spot monitoring, and other technologies...even run of the mill Chevy's and Ford's have them. However, I've seen (and have been in the car with) people who seem to lean on this new technology too much. I saw a report of Tesla's Autopilot basically making a man rear-end a fire truck at speed. Thankfully he walked away with minor injuries. I'm not trying to bash Tesla. I think their Autopilot feature is very good, but it's still up to the driver to pay attention to the road. Some people on Discord know that I recently purchased a vehicle. It doesn't have all this monitoring and automated technology, it doesn't even have the basics like traction control or anti-lock brakes, but I love it. Like the Tesla who hit that fire truck, the Autopilot wasn't at fault, the driver was. Autopilot is a great feature that I wish to see further development on. However, it still has it's limitations and if the driver had been paying attention, the accident would've been avoided. But I didn't make this article to ramble on about one incident with one technology (okay, maybe I have). When I'm out driving, even around town or when someone else is taking me, I've seen countless people texting and driving. I'm pretty sure I don't need to go into elaborate detail as why that's a bad idea. I've seen countless people and families getting injured or killed because someone cannot wait to text someone back and this infuriates me. As someone who hasn't ever owned a cellular device, I can't see the point why someone would risk their lives and others to text someone back when all they have to do is pull over to a safe location and then text.


I know this has probably been more of a rant than anything, but I still think you guys get my point.


I encourage people to elaborate on this subject, but I don't want to see people getting into arguments. This is just people putting their two-sense in.


Personally, I think (most of) this new technology is great, but it still has it's drawbacks and ultimately up to the driver to asses the situation and take action.


What do you guys and gals think?








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Autonomous cars need their own roads...

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    AE Luver

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Couldn’t agree more, the statistics have shown the vast majority of accidents are caused by lack of driver attention. Be it phones, air conditioning, radios etc.

I fully support further increases in severity of penalties for drivers caught on their phones, especially HGV drivers. If someone kills another person because they are distracted by their phone and crash, I feel like the charge should be at least manslaughter.

That’s just my personal opinion though, I don’t mind people who speed, I do, so long as they give the road their full attention.



    Bad m*****f*****

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Oh my god what if in America we adequately funded transit options to get people out of cars and off the road, thus reducing the number of cars on the road and in turn traffic deaths! You can text on your phone all you want on a train or a bus.

please don't kill us we're just the aquabats


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Eventually every car will be automated, you'll just hop in and it'll bring you around

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I'm the owner of a 2002 Ford Ranger. Although it does have ABS and 4WD, I feel it's a very old-fashioned car. There's no automatic driving, not even cruise control. The radio is modern enough not to have a cassette (unfortunately, as I've heard there's a way to make the cassette an AUX device) but not modern enough to have an AUX cord or Bluetooth. I'm the kind of person who needs to be listening to something, especially when it's a long drive. I tend to open up Spotify and put my phone in the center cupholder and skip songs when I need to. I do look at my phone a lot while driving but I live in, essentially, the Great Plains of New York. It's empty, there's nothing around, and at a lot of four-way stop signs you can see adequately to not stop if you know no one is coming. I will look at my phone but only when I am confident that I will not pose a danger to others. My parents have almost always texted and driven and I picked up their habits of looking up every other second and even typing while looking at the road. If I need to send a really long text I'll pull over and text. I've had no problems doing this, the only accident I was in was because I was looking the other way pulling out of a parking spot and not seeing the car when I had looked in the direction it came from. 


But that's not the point of this. As a New Yorker I have driven in floodwater, feet of snow, snowstorms with no visibility, rain with no visibility, heavy fog, and times when the sun was directly in my eyes with no way to block it. The point is, we learn how to drive in anything and are prepared for everything. We don't need automatic cars (or even Uber) around here because we know how to drive in every and any situation. Give us 4WD and we'll get through it.




    AE Luver

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Eventually every car will be automated, you'll just hop in and it'll bring you around

No, they won't. There always be people who enjoy driving and will drive their own cars no matter what. I personally am fine with the theory of assists--safety is always good--but fully autonomous, nah.



    Desperate to Fly

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Oh my god what if in America we adequately funded transit options to get people out of cars and off the road, thus reducing the number of cars on the road and in turn traffic deaths! You can text on your phone all you want on a train or a bus.

THANK YOU! In northern Virginia we have the third highest congestion rate in the country. The public transit is there but it sucks. People would rather get stuck in traffic for hours instead of hoping on the bus for what would cost only $2. We have commuter rail, heavy rail, and express buses that run exclusively from suburban neighborhoods to the working areas in DC and near the Pentagon. The problem is that these options are so spread out and the services are not well funded. Our metro recently received a budget cut which raised ticket prices and limited the number of trains. The commuter rail only runs extremely early during rush periods because of track restrictions by the freight rail companies.

Our public transit seriously needs funding. In China they're building entire systems in under a year, but here in the DC area it looks us nearly a decade to complete an extension which still isn't even finished.



    AE Luver

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I can't wait till it's all said and done, and we're all then stuck watching top gear doing a bunch of driverless time trials and a thumb twiddling stig cause theirs nothing left for him to drive..... yes, yes.... I can't wait for that future.... haaahahahahaaaaa




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I can't wait till it's all said and done, and we're all then stuck watching top gear doing a bunch of driverless time trials and a thumb twiddling stig cause theirs nothing left for him to drive..... yes, yes.... I can't wait for that future.... haaahahahahaaaaa

the myth, the man, the legend


the lord has spoken :yahoo: 








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