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Why the Box: The launch of a new SkyRoutes

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    Head Admin of SkyRoutes Alliance

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I believe many people (including our own members) have been wondering why we opted to use a box as the alliance logo.


This may seem surprising to most people, but in actual fact this logo is intended to represent 'a open box', where our members are free to contribute to the alliance in all aspects with minimal restrictions and without the fear of being judged by other members. SkyRoutes encourages our members to be part of the alliance's operations and have a say through our committees while at the same time contributing back to the AE Community with initiatives to help one another. We would like to reiterate that this does not undermine and/or remove privileges a SkyRoutes member gets as this would be worked out accordingly during the planning process. We shall leave this 'open box' to the AE Community (and SR members too!) and see how this can be further improved, so if you feel something could be done to make this better drop me a pm and we shall work things out.


We apologise for the delayed launch due to some delays in certain admin matters which are beyond our control. Here we are glad to announce the official launch of SkyRoutes. Interested members could head down to our subforum or our website to understand more about us and be part of the SkyRoutes family.


We look forward to welcome you on board the SkyRoutes Family soon, exploring the great things one idea at a time.


NOTE: If you were a SkyRoutes member before the Sept 2017 closure AND did not express your interest to be part of the new SkyRoutes back then, you are required to re-apply (with relaxed requirements which I would tell you more about). This offer ends Jan 2018. 



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