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Route LF problem or cheater?

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I am flying MCI-ATL and I was the first one on the route, these guys have been on for awile, and nothing prices ect.. have changed... but I think the pics describe it best, went from 75%lf 119k to zero...?

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    AE Winner

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LF Bug, happens when even a single leg beechcraft jumps on the route, or some players at change overs, use the plane swap function and that also makes all on that route go into negitive.



    V3 Data Guru

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Most annoying thing about the game...except for the infamous "Gate" feeders. A lot of the great players last round dropped out because they'd have to keep changing their routes every hour



    AE Winner

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Part of the problem is your frequency. You are currently flooding the market. You would figure that if you offered 500 seats at the cheapest price, they would be filled first, but that's not the way it works. You can either drop your ticket price to $150-$180 or reduce your frequency to 1-2 times daily.
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Part of the problem is the amount of passengers. Players with a hub on ATL will get more passengers than players without a hub. Big players with good powerful hubs, like travelhouse, steal your passengers to the point where no passengers remain (0.0% LF).

As soon as another player opens a hub, the first large player gets upset because her LF drops. At that moment she spots a beech, and the player owning that beech has done it.

Also, don't be afraid to change your plane. Just make sure you set a new price when you alter the amount of trips and/or the airframe. Yes, you will trigger another bug when you do that (everybody needs to recalculate their prices then) but you don't want to see 100% LF.

Dropping your price will not always work. One round trip a day, price 1 dollar, and still a load factor of 0.00% was often reported last round. I see no reason why this round would be different. The market for such a route is saturated, and you cannot get a fair share anymore. It is not last-in-first-out so it can happen to you even if you setup the route initially.
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