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Airline Incidences

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Hainan Air

Hainan Air

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The jist of this idea, is basically a lottery for specific flights, which once in a while chooses one lucky aircraft, and "crashes" it. 


This incident could be on one of many "incident levels" Including but not limited to:

- crew/passenger health diversion

- environmental issue (storms, turbulence, birds...)

- Ground collision

- Fire

- Mid-air non fatal incidents (engine fire, Hull puncture, systems failure...)

- And of corse:  Complete Hull loss



The lottery would be based off of many factors, including:

-aircraft age

-aircraft hours (or landings/takeoffs)

-aircraft maintenance

-employee "happiness levels"


Basically, if your aircraft or airline is less favorable in these categories, then the percentage that your airline is chosen is larger than others. 


And the developers could add all sorts of stupid or silly incident reasons to the game. 


I suggest this only for realistic worlds, because of the world "realistic"....


Anyway, this is just an idea to spice up the games a bit.



    AE nostalgic member

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if your crew doesn't like stop to refuel then the plane crashes, just like the Medellin disaster

sad but it's the truth




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I believe this has been suggested around a dozen times and each time the answer is no.



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