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Landing Fees

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    Junior Birdman

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Add landing fees as a recurring expense. The fees could be scaled just like the gate costs. And possibly scale them by aircraft size (like in RL)

The purpose of this would be to encourage small airlines to use small (less popular airports)




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Very good idea
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    Junior Birdman

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It may also discourage flying big planes with low load factors to small airports

Also, it would cause an additional cost for the $1 airfares. Wouldn't prevent it but it would make it more expensive.



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although i dont normaly agree with costing us more money this one is a good idea..and stops poeple flyng beechs to heathrow like spanners



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It would work especially well if you use a sliding scale depending on which aircraft is on a route.

Adds more skill to the game to determin which aircraft would be best for a route.

Good idea
Maverick Airways CEO.

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Proud member of the Eurowings alliance.
Airline ID 2157



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isn't this already included in gate costs? If it's not, would it be?
CEO of Atlantic Airways

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    Junior Birdman

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isn't this already included in gate costs? If it's not, would it be?

I think gate costs are constant no matter what type of aircraft or number of slots used.

Landing fees would be charged dependent on number of slots used and the fee would be calculated by the size of aircraft used.

My thought would be that a j31/b1900 (20 seats) would be cheap per landing but 4 landings would be more expensive than a Q400 at 80 seats. It would encourage the use of larger aircraft.

A variation on this would be to impose this cost only at airports whose gates have gone to zero. So small airlines would not be penalized for flying to under used airports but would have an economic incentive to minimize the number of landing at fully utilized airports.

This may also make it uneconomical to fly only one slot at an airport with a small plane.

This is all based on the premise that gates are limited and that airline are constrained from growing because they cannot get gates at popular airports. And that the reason that gates are consumed quickly is that airlines find it profitable ( at reduced margin) to own gates and under fill them.

If that premise is not valid then never mind :sdrool:

The current situation affects game play in that it may be better to suffer the short term costs of under utilizing gates then the long term effect of not being able to expand due to the limited number of gates.

My suggestion simply makes it more expensive to sit on gates without using all the slots.

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