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AE: The game with ZERO credibility

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Before everybody starts to flame me RMEMBER.....this is Only a Quote from a person that want's to be "anonymous" so I tought I would Post it instead :P

Makes alot of sence to me any way

**I have a friend who is on the anti-cheat team in AE. He looks at excel spreadsheets with every transaction for every airline.

Last round, he got caught out by a spontaneous new rule: Airlines that are going broke shouldn't sell to their "friends" at half price. 2 transactions, $40mill fine.

This round. Take TWA, he had 2 "suspicious" transactions, got a $5mill fine and had a Q400 taken away.

Then, let's take Vertigo, the #1 Airline in the rankings. He has 4 Saabs, average age of 0.44. Yes, that's the average age of his 4 Saabs. Approximately 10 "suspicious" transactions were noted but he only got a $10 million fine, which is nothing when he has a DOP in excess of $3million.

The world of online gaming - the "baddies" always win. **
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Fly the Wings of Change

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Call me confused but the idea of your friend and so forth just seem inaccurate. I will also defend Virgin Canada as a reputable carrier in this game. I can however wonder about some carriers now fading off the top list and who keep riding to the top with undeserving record sheets.
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Like I said...This is a Quote from somebody else......So it's not my friend so I can't really say anything about it :P
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Fly the Wings of Change

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Before everybody starts to flame me RMEMBER.....this is Only a Quote from a person that want's to be "anonymous" so I tought I would Post it instead :P

Makes alot of sence to me any way

**I have a friend who is on the anti-cheat team in AE. He looks at excel spreadsheets with every transaction for every airline.

Last round, he got caught out by a spontaneous new rule: Airlines that are going broke shouldn't sell to their "friends" at half price. 2 transactions, $40mill fine.

This round. Take TWA, he had 2 "suspicious" transactions, got a $5mill fine and had a Q400 taken away.

Then, let's take Vertigo, the #1 Airline in the rankings. He has 4 Saabs, average age of 0.44. Yes, that's the average age of his 4 Saabs. Approximately 10 "suspicious" transactions were noted but he only got a $10 million fine, which is nothing when he has a DOP in excess of $3million.

The world of online gaming - the "baddies" always win. **

What you have just posted is NOT right at all, it means that there are a number of important issues in the AE community.

1. There is a fine line of accusing and facts (But behind the AE doors should never tell others)

2. Who ever gave you this information is obtained by Miller22 and it to be trusted and SHOULD NOT tell others whats going on.

3. Miller22 has what in real world called (Leak in the camp)

4. Bad for all players who read it, as it shows that Mates tell Mates and so on.

So. Miller22 and TorqueWrench. weed out this type of immature behaviour and lets keep AE on track.



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2. Who ever gave you this information is obtained by Miller22 and it to be trusted and SHOULD NOT tell others whats going on.

Why shouldn't everybody know what's really going on..

this is not the first time I've heard about sneaky behaviour from the AE management.

Not accusing anyone :) And I not saying it's ALL TRUE or anything....just wanted to bring this up to see how people react to it. :P
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Fly the Wings of Change

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What a load of rubbish... Yet another immature comment from some "anonymous" who wants to criminalise a certain moderator. It's a very sleazy tactic.

If there is any truth in this, it spells a lot of trouble but it sounds like some hater crying wolf.

miller22 (inactive)

miller22 (inactive)

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Its a game. There's a lot of people who act like kids, and love to complain. You wouldn't believe the number of emails I get a day telling me someone is cheating, or "I screwed up, can I get my money back?"

I don't appreciate the title of the thread, nor do I think Jazyf1's mediocre disclaimer at the top of his post in any way excuses it. We have a real problem with cheating on this game, and the main reason why is because the game is free. Any airline can "feed" into any other airline just by the same person using different email addresses. The feeder problem isn't the game, its the people playing the game, plain and simple.

There are a lot of people who somehow think I owe them something because things aren't going the way they thought they would. There are issues, but we're running on very large losses, so we can't afford a huge development or customer service staff. Our first priority is bringing AE to the point where it pays for itself. Once that happens, its time to do some serious development within the game. Then I think I'll discover cold fusion, and after that I'll help the whiners. Don't hold your breath.



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Like I said...This is a Quote from somebody else......So it's not my friend so I can't really say anything about it :P

with gems like that, its a hard not to rename this thread

"Jazyf1: the player with ZERo credibility"




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I don't care whether Jazyf1 posted someone else's grumbles or whether he made it up and said it was someone else's or whatever... *Coz I'm just a user*

Let's bring harsh reality into perspective... This is a FREE GAME.

On another note... Irrespective of whether Vertigo cheats or not, I don't see why Vertigo's 4 Saabs at a young average age be a problem? There are people who are smaller than Vertigo with equally younger fleets with similar or larger size and have more than 4 of those planes from smaller DOPs and got them legally.

Now... Why shouldn't everybody knows what's going on? If it's a fact beyond reasonable doubt then yes, if not... it would be called slandering... that's something I would steer well away from if I was miller22...

Those who think miller22 owes them something because something's not right... well, miller22 doesn't owe us anything as he can always say this service is provided "as is"... or even worse, decides enough complaints has been made and the game is shut down for good... Who owes what then?

Some people need to get a life... cheating is bad, but calling this free "charity" service to allow us to be armchair airline CEOs "a game with ZERO credibility" takes the cake!

There are many things I do not like about AE, but I always remember that it's a free service... therefore I should use it "as is", and thank miller22 and torquewrench for their sacrifices (despite never saying it, receiving 1000 thank you emails a day would be a problem instead! LOL).... and before anyone starts screaming "sacrifices and losses my ***, he makes money out of the adverts," Hey! We get this service for free right?




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I don't care whether Jazyf1 posted someone else's grumbles or whether he made it up and said it was someone else's or whatever... *Coz I'm just a user*

Why should I make this up....If I came up with this I wouldn't say that is was from an ''anonymous sorce'' I got this from an other forum thats it....

And second of all I never Accused Vertigo of anything(or anyone for that point)....I know him..we have done alot of business in the past so I know he is legit...

For what it's worth I didn't mean to criticize Miller22 or Tourqe something( :) )They are doing a great job with what they have And I KNOW it's a Free Game dont need to point it out. *Cough mandala499 ( but thanks) :P
I only posted this cos I tought it had a point and I knew there was a problem with cheaters but I guess not...
Like the poster said why he didnt want to post this...to many Crybabys...but heey alls good....
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Fly the Wings of Change

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Why shouldn't everybody know what's really going on..

this is not the first time I've heard about sneaky behaviour from the AE management.

Not accusing anyone :) And I not saying it's ALL TRUE or anything....just wanted to bring this up to see how people react to it. :P

Sorry Jazyf1, you lost ALL credibility. In the REAL world you would be classed as an agitator and nothink more.

Miller22 is right on the comments he made. ( There's a lot of people who act like kids,)



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Hey! You are giving us kids on here a bad name!
Jazyf1 is the only one with no credibility. Anyway, in reality airlines are subsidised!
Only when I pay for the game will I not expect cheating. Anyway, think of it as a challenge. Rise to the top without cheating!
Proud member of the GoldenSKY Alliance, PM me to join!
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British World Airlines-bwa No 3753
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Why shouldn't everybody know what's really going on..

this is not the first time I've heard about sneaky behaviour from the AE management.

Not accusing anyone :) And I not saying it's ALL TRUE or anything....just wanted to bring this up to see how people react to it. :P

What do you mean by sneaky behavior? Do you think its wrong that there may be a staff that has to go through all of the sales transactions and look for people using feeder airlines, etc.? That doesn't bother me. What bothers me is that there may have to be one at all. As long as you are not cheating though, I don't see what the problem is.

What is sad is that people are abusing a free game. With all of the issues that have been brought up with regards to database size, AE speed, etc., it is a wonder that people still think it's ok to have more then one airline. Then there are the people that operate more then one airline and sell aircraft from their "feeder" airlines to the main airlines and then cry about it when they get caught. Last round at least one person posted his complaints in the forums and got laughed at. Even worse are the people that have found ways to "hack" the database or the scripts so that they can improve their airlines by cheating. With all of that nonsense going on, there has to be some form of moderation to AE.
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What do you mean by sneaky behavior? Do you think its wrong that there may be a staff that has to go through all of the sales transactions and look for people using feeder airlines, etc.? That doesn't bother me. What bothers me is that there may have to be one at all. As long as you are not cheating though, I don't see what the problem is..

Not what I mean, that somembody is checking the transactions is the best idee Ive heard on long time in this game...just saw some posts a couple of months ago and there was a moderator or something that got an advantage in the begining of a game doing something (can't remember what) but I think it was like two rounds ago (or three) and he didn't get finde until somebody brought it up in the forum. and there was some alliance thing to....Doesn't even matter anymore....So we dont have to go there.

AND for those that think I lak of credibility well thats what ya'll think...(couldn't care less) The Topic I posted had nothing to do of what I think of the game....
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Fly the Wings of Change

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I think this thread has degraded enough to warrant a deletion. It's no different with newibe accusation threads except this hits a new low because it also accuses people of leaking information and such. I still think it's plain crap.



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Quote: Then, let's take Vertigo, the #1 Airline in the rankings. He has 4 Saabs, average age of 0.44.

I don't see whats the problem. I sold all my beech, I acted as a broker on the market from the start to build in cash and I got my 2nd Saab on the market for 14 million.

However, the 10 million fine is the result of a confusing situation I had no control on (Someone baught back the beech I just baught from him for 1.25 million more). Of course, the Anti-cheat guy did what he thought was the most appropriate and fair for others. But, a 10 million fine at this stage of the game is a lot, whatever you say.

Hope I make it clearer



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[QUOTE=Jazyf1]And second of all I never Accused Vertigo of anything(or anyone for that point)....I know him..we have done alot of business in the past so I know he is legit...[QUOTE]

Qoute myself :P

Hope there's no hard feelings Vertigo
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Fly the Wings of Change

CEO of Jayhawk Airways (PR Moderator for InterSky Alliance)
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It is very sad to see people critisising this website. Miller has said on multiple occasions that he wants to keep a free version of AE for everyone to enjoy. However... The more people f*ck about, trying to avoid the cheat police etc etc the more it spoils the game for everyone else and the MORE that miller will start to reconcider having a free version of this website.

It would be far easier to run this website if it were all pay-as-you-go...

As has been said by miller, this is an at loss website... Some people *really* dont appreciate the work that goes in to keeping this site alive.

At the end of it all, if anyone isnt happy with the service they've recived... they can expect a full refund...



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Can't we just go for bans on cheaters? This fine stuff just doesn't seem like it hurts the players enough. A $10 million fine is nothing for even middle of the road players who got in at the start. The only problem with the IP bans would be that there are players who play on the same external IP address. I'm just glad AE is here, even with its flaws. Keep up the good work Miller and Torque




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What I meant is that what I wrote in that post has got nothing to do with whether I think you made it up or something or your credibility (like some people like to make an issue out of)...

That whole post was directed at those who agree with what your anonymous quote source wrote...


Anyway, in reality airlines are subsidised!

Some are, some aren't... blanketing them all isn't fair! A truly profitable and sustainable airline business doesn't citizenship in utopia by the way...

I guess some people cannot associate free with 'as is'... for me, many things I don't like or wish to have in the free AE... but hey, it's free, I appreaciate what you and miller are doing... but I do hope for improvements... that's just human nature... *though some demand it instead*...

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