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Do I get an award of an airline I am managing on behalf of someone?

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Isa Al

Isa Al

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I am just wondering do I get an award of an airline I am managing on behalf of someone? like if I gave my code to someone and I am managing their airline and it reaches top airlines so who will get the award? both of us or the owner or the person who's managing it?





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The original owner of the airline gets the award. Sad there is no credit to the helper...

PS MY 100th POST YAY!!!!

AE is the best.






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Correct. All your hard work & you get nothing. I think a bit of "trophy farming" goes on sometimes where people start airlines & then give them away. The new operator can get into the top 10, or even number 1, but the original creator gets the trophy for it.




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Correct. All your hard work & you get nothing. I think a bit of "trophy farming" goes on sometimes where people start airlines & then give them away. The new operator can get into the top 10, or even number 1, but the original creator gets the trophy for it.

Maybe the game should track who does the most and give them the trophy. Slightly tough feature but still an idea.

Isa Al

Isa Al

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Maybe an airline and it's manager should get an award or at least the managers a small award like top manager or something. I mean sometimes the helper does all the work and the owner gets the award and sometimes the owner does all the work and the helper does  a bit so I think to be fair both should get an awards.


I know not always it's the same case but I mean just something to motivate the helper to treat the airline as if it's his/her airline 



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Only the owner gets trophies. It would be neat to have a more sophisticated system that keeps track of multiple managers and how much work each has done (however you want to quantify that), but that's not a high-priority feature.

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