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    AE Know It All

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[attachment=9538:WorldGroup About Us Banner.png]


Welcome to Airline Empire's newest alliance, WorldGroup. We are starting operations in the next round of R6 and would be glad to see you join us. WorldGroup focuses greatly on communication. We have weekly GoogleHangout meetings and active discussion in our forums. The reason behind this is we believe that communication is the key to the success of and alliance.  Please take a second and watch this commercial for The Cosmopolitan of Las Vegas and the 1984 Apple commercial. 



We show you these because this is part of our idea behind WorldGroup. WorldGroup is different, we think different. We go against the mainstream. We want members to have fun and enjoy their time at WorldGroup. To come up with new ideas for the alliance, to make it better. We have no admins, everyone is equal and truly try to incorporate just the right amount of wrong. We are truly a whole different animal. and support thinking different.


We want WorldGroup to be fun, to enhance your experience playing Airline Empire.  Thats the main reason why WorldGroup has two separate divisions (WorldGroup and WorldGroup Rogue). When you want to make a legacy carrier you can, and when you want to try a different gameplay experience and make a low cost carrier on the same level with jetBlue you can as well. Please note, these are nice low cost carriers, not RyanAir type airlines and no spam lines


Does WorldGroup sound like an alliance that interests you? Feel free to apply. Before you do, you might want to check out the member list (coming) and the read before applying thread (coming). 


-WorldGroup: Just the right amount of wrong.




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