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Report your route spammers here, Name them and Shame them

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Plengeh Airlines has to be my biggest headache.

I was fine on STN-DME, then along he comes, spamming it with a twice daily A330 flight.

Then, BNU-STN, I was fine, in my A321, the, along comes Plengeh and spams it with Airbus A330's, and they wonder why the rate of person attacks are up.

There needs to be a route spam report button.



    Data Collector

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Why report this? Unfortunatly this is replicated in the real world, it's the reason why airlines go bankrupt, take a look at Flybe V Easyjet at Isle Of Man airport



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true, true



    AE Player

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To eliminate all competition on a route or in and out of an airport. If you have a big airline and you were operating out of for example Heathrow, you wouldn't want any small airline sharing the route with you.

Boing the Ostrich

Boing the Ostrich

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I have the same problems with with Plengeh and Tiger Airways, but you don't see me complaining! It's part of the competition!




    Football Wingback

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Japan does have a fair amount of short haul 747s [or did, anyway] :whistling:

Home of the Srs :P




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I sometimes find Lightning Scoot annoying, but I guess it's part of the competition.

Hillary Clinton

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Well, Like What The Rest Of Them Have Explained, Its The Competition But Remember that even though they have more frequencies or larger aircraft on that route, you can still make that much of profit while they might get it low. But Again, Having A Good Aircraft with Good Performance on Route Boost your whole airline reputation as well. If I were you, i would have leave them alone. If you think you can fight, kill the route and make routes to airports that there is low competition or the demand that are still not enough. This will make it easier.




    AE Know It All

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I will just refer folks to the Wiki tip thread for how to prevent route spammers.


Don't go marching into other people's territories! If you're just starting out, your airline will be pretty small. Don't try competing with people bigger than you. HOWEVER, don't let airlines grow from your hub/HQ. If you notice another airline operating from your focus city, its likely they'll grow from that. Better eliminate them before they get too big and dominate your area <_<


Says it all right there, offer to share the route if they will reduce flights and not exceed demand, if they refuse, well it is fight on time.

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