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Slow Airbus deliveries? Any info?


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Hi :)

I've made orders for Airbus jets recently, 4 A320-200s and 4 A318s (I'm the launch customer of the type as Aurora on R3), and I'm curious as to why they are taking so long to deliver? I understand the 4 weeks minimum wait but I've never had planes deliver with more than a 1 year delay on here! It's fine for the A318 as it is a new type but why the A320? I'm relying on the newer A320s on the used market right now to fill the gap but it's just not enough! Is this the delivery time due to backlogs or is it just an AE bug?


Thanks all,




    Resident Australian Arnimal

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The A318 and the A320 are in the same family. i.e. They come off the same production line. If you ordered your A318s prior to your A320s, there will be a 4 week gap till you receive your first A318, then another 2 weeks for your second. Following that, another 4 weeks waiting time is required till your A320s commence delivery.



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Hi :)

I'm aware of the usual waiting times, and they are being kept, it's just that whenever I've ordered before (in R3 as well, from Boeing, Airbus, everyone) I've always recieved my first plane 4 weeks after the order, now the first plane is suddenly arriving about 10-18 months post-order! I'm just wondering whether this is a backlog or a bug I have, it seems to be fine with Boeing's 736s and 762/3s...



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That is to say, 4 weeks or else the minimum time shown, but nothing like this



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You said you're the launch customer. Did you pre-order the type? If so, your deliveries won't start until the actual delivery start date, and if you order any planes within that family after your pre-order, those deliveries get tacked on after your pre-order. This is a consequence of how the AE delivery system works. In any case, the delivery dates listed before you confirm the order should be correct.



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Yes, I know about the A318, so that's no surprise ;) I trust the delivery dates it just seems strange that my first A320 delivery, which requires just 4 weeks down time before plane 1 arrives is taking up almost a year!



    AE Player

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Its not just based on your order though, its based on what other people have ALSO order The same family of aircraft before you

XL Leisure Group


CEO - XL Airways (World O1, World R4)

CEO - XL Airways Asia (World R4)



    AE Player

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If i AM correct that is haha

XL Leisure Group


CEO - XL Airways (World O1, World R4)

CEO - XL Airways Asia (World R4)



    AE Luver

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Yes, I know about the A318, so that's no surprise ;) I trust the delivery dates it just seems strange that my first A320 delivery, which requires just 4 weeks down time before plane 1 arrives is taking up almost a year!


As koara said, the the A320 are the same family of planes as the A318, so will be delivered at 2 week intervals after you receive the last A318.



    AE Luver

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Its not just based on your order though, its based on what other people have ALSO order The same family of aircraft before you


Close - what other people order for other airlines is not important, it's actually the orders that the same airline already has that are important. In this case the A320 orders are in the same family as the A318 orders, so will follow on from the A318 orders.




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So is it correct that if you first order a plane not yet in production from a manufacturer, & then order planes in the same family (A320,A321, A318, A319, etc) that are in production...the deliveries of the planes in production are delayed until after the first delivery of the plane not yet in production?



    AE Developer

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So is it correct that if you first order a plane not yet in production from a manufacturer, & then order planes in the same family (A320,A321, A318, A319, etc) that are in production...the deliveries of the planes in production are delayed until after the first delivery of the plane not yet in production?

After the last delivery of the plane not in production, but yes that is correct. All your orders for the same family are placed sequentially, regardless of whether one of them is a pre-order.

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