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Distances in AE, nautical mile versus statue mile

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Yes, I am very well aware of that this is definitely not top priority etc etc, but I'm posting this anyway since this caused a great deal of confusion for me:

On for instance http://www.airlineem...1=CPH&city2=ARN, AE claims that the great circle distance between CPH and ARN is 343 nautical miles. This is simply not true, the distance is rather somewhere between 298 and 299 miles. Though it is actually 343 statute miles.

(The "Distance Calcuator" also gives a value of 343, stating the unit is "miles". Since the figures on the routeshare.php pages and the distance calculator have always been the same, I've always assumed the Distance Calculator also calculates in nautical miles. Until today, that is. :)

The suggestion would be to make clear on the pages which unit is being referred to.

Now I don't know in what units the aircraft speeds are given, they're claimed to be knots on the engine selection page (i.e. nm/h), but who the hell knows? What I was concerned with was that if they actually were knots, the entire calculations of how long time an aircraft will take to fly a certain route would be wrong. (No scale factor is multiplied into the value, I check that. The game simply takes distance (in miles) divided by speed (supposedly in knots) and takes that as the flight time in hours.)

Which of course, again, is not the highest priority now. Etc etc. I know the deal. But I'm surprised nobody's noticed this before, or, at least not mentioned it. (Yes, I used the search button. :()

Well that's all for now, now I'm to re-write the City Searcher. :P



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I suppose that it doesn't make that much of a diffetrence but we're all put to shame by the fact you found it first.



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you need to get out more

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