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Gun Control in the United States

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    Bad m*****f*****

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Title says it all, what are AE's thoughts on this

Also: http://www.bbc.co.uk...canada-21049942

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We should apply NS law to this.

What are your thoughts before asking the thoughts of others.

So, as the psychiatrist you so need would say...

How does this make you feel?



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As a citizen of the U.S., I feel that this doesn't solve the problem. The guns aren't the issue. Its the crazy people that get their hands on them that are the problem. I think that a law should be put in that makes it mandatory background check before allowing someone to buy a gun. I don't know how or what the law would say, but it should be something along those lines and NOT a ban on guns.

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I think that Machine Guns are very unnecessary to Own, A PPSh-41 for dear hunting :huh: , An M16 for target practice for fun with the family, an AK-47 for a shoot out, Assault weapons have no use in Public use and should stay in the Military  -_- And if someones attacking your House what are 100 bullets going to do? If theirs a 100 people attacking your home it would not go unnoticed, so there is no need for the sale of large magazines




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I think that Machine Guns are very unnecessary to Own, A PPSh-41 for dear hunting :huh: , An M16 for target practice for fun with the family, an AK-47 for a shoot out, Assault weapons have no use in Public use and should stay in the Military  -_- And if someones attacking your House what are 100 bullets going to do? If theirs a 100 people attacking your home it would not go unnoticed, so there is no need for the sale of large magazines

I agree... Though I'm not sure what harm there would be allowing these within specialty facilities? Say gun clubs that provide said weapon for use while at said club?



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Say the Weapon get stolen?



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Say a member of the US Armed Forces with easy access to weapons shoots up an Army base?

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Say a member of the US Armed Forces with easy access to weapons shoots up an Army base?


doesn't happen with the UK. The UK has strict gun laws where people can still option an air rifle and other guns with the appropriate license. Even our police go unarmed, except airports etc. and they have armed units called out when appropriate. We get hardly any gun crime, yes we may get knife crime instead, but gun crime is far more deadly hence why there are more deaths caused by gun crime in the US. Knife crime>gun crime.





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Say the Weapon get stolen?

But by this logic, we should not have weapons on military bases either.

You're also not taking into account that one of the largest distributors of illegal weapons is our own government...

doesn't happen with the UK. The UK has strict gun laws [...] We get hardly any gun crime [...]

Mexico has the same strict laws... And they have a ton of gun crime. Bad example is bad. You're comparing cultural mentality and your lack of gun usage to gun violence.

We get hardly any gun crime, yes we may get knife crime instead, but gun crime is far more deadly hence why there are more deaths caused by gun crime in the US. Knife crime>gun crime.

US Population > UK Population. Since our population is almost 200 million more than your population... There is a lot of room to factor in increased gun violence over knife crime.



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Meth kills people, so we should make it totally illegal so that nobody will use it. Prohibition is the answer to all of society's problems ^_^

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Side note: It is illegal to own a firearm in Syria :whistling:

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Side note: It is illegal to own a firearm in Syria :whistling:

:/ Yeah... Well... Look where firearms got them.




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Basically, I think America's ****ed itself.

There's no real solutions, as far as I can see.

Might be interested to see what would happen if this was left to the states to decide... but I'm sure that would lolfail for a multitude of reasons I'm unable to comprehend.

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Basically, I think America's ****ed itself.

There's no real solutions, as far as I can see.

Might be interested to see what would happen if this was left to the states to decide... but I'm sure that would lolfail for a multitude of reasons I'm unable to comprehend.



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But by this logic, we should not have weapons on military bases either.

You're also not taking into account that one of the largest distributors of illegal weapons is our own government...Mexico has the same strict laws... And they have a ton of gun crime. Bad example is bad. You're comparing cultural mentality and your lack of gun usage to gun violence.US Population > UK Population. Since our population is almost 200 million more than your population... There is a lot of room to factor in increased gun violence over knife crime.


If you scale it down, UK knife crime is greater than US gun crime.




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Funny,Canada has more guns per person than America, but far less gun crime. I think it's because Canadians just shoot deer and don't rabble on about the "defending your home" crap.

And besides, Sadly I doubt any gun control legislation will get through. This debate was had when JFK was shot. (50years ago this year)

Just my 2 cents, as the yanks say.



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 What people always seem to turn a blind eye to, is that:


1. there is no such thing as an assault weapon, I hit you with a baseball bat that is a assault weapon, a weapon I used to assault you with. It is a semi auto rifle, no more, no less


2. The vast majority of gun violence in the US is criminal versus criminal, criminal versus victim and then "victim" shooting criminal.......as for the criminal versus criminal, I say pass out the ammo to them for free



Then you have the crazies, they grab the headlines because they plan it out, then execute it. Does not matter what gun is used, if people pay attention, 99% of the mass shootings occur where the odds of meeting someone that can shoot back is slim to none. Even the major at Ft Hood did it where the soldiers were un armed, he did not go out to a firing range where the soldiers have ammo at hand.


As a combat veteran, I can say I own guns, I have a concealed carry permit, I own several AR15/M4 rifles. I use them for target shooting (they are fun to shoot, but expensive) and have used them for hunting. I would prefer to use my 12 gauge shotgun for home defense, but I would not hesitate to up the firepower if I had to. I have a small ammo dump of around 4-5000 rounds of all calibers. One trip to the shooting range will see about 500-1000 rounds go down range. It is cheaper to buy ammo in bulk. The idea that ANY gun control will halt gun violence is absurd and the people thinking it will are smoking something they should not be. Look at the deadliest cities in the US for gun violence or crime in general, those cities almost always have the strictest gun control measures. Do criminals care, no, will they care about a new law, no.


 Will I allow a political hack turn me into a potential victim, no. I will never surrender my weapons. Will I allow them to strip my ability to defend my family or property from a criminal, no. My wife, step daughter all have concealed carry, I do not fear for them. All a gun control measure will do is harm law abiding people.



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Basically, I think America's ****ed itself.

There's no real solutions, as far as I can see.

Might be interested to see what would happen if this was left to the states to decide... but I'm sure that would lolfail for a multitude of reasons I'm unable to comprehend.



There's a solution.  Stop paying people to be irresponsible for votes.   This nutcase had piece of crap parents,  that stole his family , father, education, and future away.  That should not of been allowed.  They refused to lock him up.  Because liberals think everyone has rights.   And he shot everything that was stolen from him.   We have a country full of  misdirected  boys that are mising all of the above.    Because boys arent allowed to be with their fathers after a divorce.  And moms arent needed after  boys about 8 years old. And most women here. Are irresponsible , anyways.    Fathers are needed.  Boys should by default go to the Dads in dovorce.   And women here, get paid by the government, To wreck boys  for adult hood.  No father, future, education, or future is allowed for kids under our welfare system.  If you do any of these things. You get cut off. 

  You can't help these people. They really need put down.  That aint going to happen. And they wont get locked up either because of some nut cases  rights. 


Well, what about the rights of those dead kids. That don't matter because those people aren't wrecking the country.   And , now we can cry . Take the guns.  


It aint hapening.  The sane family oriented, responsible people are barely a  voting majority.  And they  aint giving them up.   Because  thieves deserve to be shot. period .  Taking care of your family is a battle now.   Families against the thieving  deeducating government , and Liberal , feminist, family destroyers here.  And the commies. And the welfare whores. 



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I think that Machine Guns are very unnecessary to Own,   Ok good for you.   I think kids are uneccesary to own, By single parents.


A PPSh-41 for dear hunting :huh: ,       Wheres that happening at.  Nowhere.


An M16 for target practice for fun with the family,     That aint happening either.   


an AK-47 for a shoot out, Assault weapons have no use in Public use and should stay in the Military  -_-


Assault weapons are in the military. 


 And if someones attacking your House what are 100 bullets going to do?   Kill them.



If theirs a 100 people attacking your home it would not go unnoticed,  


  And nobody will help you either.  


so there is no need for the sale of large magazines  




Theres no need for a lot of things.    But here the people decide.   And they decided long ago to not pander to those who won't help themselves. 



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Personally, I'm in favour of a comprehensive ban on assault rifles. Why? Well after some long and thorough thought on the matter, I could not conjure up a solid, practical use for an AR-15. Now if anybody can list off some reasons, I'll be more than happy to reconsider, and even reverse my position. But for now, it stands.

I am in favour of a solid, nationwide system of gun registration, and bolstering the ATF (which is currently a joke) by giving them a database of gun owners and dealers, with a means of tracking firearms from gun shop owners (currently gun shop owners do not have to keep track of their sales for investigative purposes). I am also in favour of more stringent and rigorous tests for individuals looking to acquire and/or renew their gun licenses.  

However, I am explicitly against the complete prohibition of firearms (or prohibition in general, but that's another point). There is a valid point to be said that the vast majority of gun owners cause no trouble to others, and that it's a very minute percentage that cause gun crime. So why should the many be punished for the actions of a few bad eggs? This is why along with stricter gun laws I support bolstering the nation's pathetic mental health system (seriously, the state of it is atrocious). 

That's all I have to say about that.

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