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West Coast Airways is selling B1900s for just under $3million each.

Sunshine Airways CEO

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i think this goes in classifieds;)




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Part 1 said West Coast Airlines was selling Beech for $2999999. Since there is no logic in selling a plane at 50% of value this early in the game, it merits a title of stupid airline, and is a warning to others.

No, I do not think it belongs in classified. I think it belongs here, as this is an airline that is behaving in an "odd" way and should be watched.

I am not West Coast Airlines. If I was, I would post it in classified.

Therefore, could you unlock the Stupid Airline Warning thread?


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we get the point.... you don't have to get all aggressive about it... we don not need another stupid thread with 9 different pages



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darn, i was kinda hoping to break the record on stupid threads with this one.... oh well

Sunshine Airways CEO

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the classified ad post was a joke. if you believe that this is an action of cheating, post in the respective thread. if you think that it is an unsound business move, i believe there is a thread on that too. there is no need to open a new thread for every single airline that sells their a/c at or below the predicted value.




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Ok, as the Director of West Coast Airways I sold my B1900D's for 2.9 Million becuase I made some bad moves and decided to go bankrupt and restart, therefore, instead of mothballin aircraft I put them on the market cheap for anyone who wanted them. In 31 seconds they were both gone, lol. Whats wrong with that, its an act of kindness, not a stupid move or cheating.


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you could do it for around 5 mil instead of 2.9 ...



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Perhaps he read the entry I put into the manual, and decided to take such action. I would have done the same thing.

Here's what I wrote (first and last sentence slightly modified by someone else):

If you're going to declare bankruptcy, and you do not care about helping the competition, it's always a good idea to sell your airplane at the lowest possible price rather than mothballing your airplanes. So if the value of the airplane was $2,000,000, sell it for $1,000,000. The money wouldn't matter, since you're already declaring bankruptcy anyways. Although you're not making much money, it will also make others happy if they can't afford one at full price or otherwise.




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And how is this different from a person setting up a second airline and selling the planes at half price to the first airline? It can be done innocently (as this one was) or it can be done by "cheating".

Been there, done that, it is not right.

Still believe used aircraft should be limited to 90% to 110% of current value.




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I second that



    AE Winner

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How about 70%-130%? And if an airline declares bankruptcy, forget about selling the fleet, automatically mothball the fleet when they push the button.




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Originally posted by drv4truk
How about 70%-130%? ....

I am speaking with the voice of experience. In game 1, I really exploited this "bug" (actually a logic flaw). 70%-130% is not enough of a change from 50%-200%.

A 5 year old J31 is worth $3.3 million. If I sell it for 130%, and buy it back for 70%, I make almost $2 million in the "deal". Changing that to 90%-110%, I make $0.66 million. If I have two airlines, I can sell to myself, and with the second airline, I can go bankrupt and start over, repeating the process.

If I sell for 200%, the selling price is over $5million, which is more than the amount of starting cash you receive after going bankrupt. The $5million value is a key issue in exploiting this loophole. This is why on the first day of the game, very very few planes were sold for more than $5million (because no one had the cash, and could not legitimately get it).




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Originally posted by drv4truk... And if an airline declares bankruptcy, forget about selling the fleet, automatically mothball the fleet when they push the button.

You have to get rid of your planes before you press the bankrupt button. It does not matter how you get rid of them, by sale or by mothball. If you try to go bankrupt with planes, you cannot do it.



    AE Winner

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I know that. But, if an airline is declaring bankruptcy, what do they need the money from the sale of aircraft for?

If you were able to exploit this bug, then you must have (or had) two airlines? Otherwise you would not have been able to buy and sell to yourself. I see your point though. Imagine the same thing with a higher value aircraft.

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