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Nick of DC Airways

Nick of DC Airways

    DC Airways CEO

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JetBlue Connection 757-200 Crashes

The Boeing 757-200 flight number 586 left Dulles at 11:24pm (2 hours late) headed for long beach. This was the 757's maiden voyage. According to the ground crew the plane was delayed due to false readings on the brand new 757-200. That 757 was delivered to Dulles from Boeing at 4:00pm that day. When the plane was approximately over Texas when the pilot reported more false readings on fuel, pitch, speed, and auto pilot was not properly functioning.

15 minutes later, the cockpit was filled with smoke and the pilots declared an emergency.

The plane began to descend from 35,000 feet for an emergency landing at Albuquerque.

At about 20,000 feet, the reading for speed was at 0 so the pilots had no idea what speed they were going at. Also at this time the altimeter failed.

5 minutes later which the ATC's confirmed to be 2,000 feet, the pilots deployed the landing gear.

As the 757 approached the runway for a manual landing, the right wing wheel bank broke off.

As the wheels hit the ground the plane violently pulled to the right causing the right wing to brake off.

Also they were going about 300 knots which caused them to overrun the runway.

Surprisingly no passengers died :D! But some how all the crew did :/.

We have refunded all the passengers needs including a night stay in Albuquerque, a free continuation of the flight to Long Beach, and 2 free round trip tickets to each passenger to anyone of our destinations.

We are also currently in the process of suing Boeing for giving us such a screwed up plane.

UPDATE: WongaJet has bought the 757 for tree fiddy

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