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MS Flight Release

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    AE Know It All

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Just wanted to let ya'll know that Microsoft Flight will be released on February 29th!

Big V

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    Angry Irishman

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I can, looks awful



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I can't wait too, bloody fsx drives me mad with its constant fatal errors


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I can, looks awful

Same. The problem is, MS have finally realised the money isn't in making simulators, it's in all the 'add-ons' that go with them. For instance I only spent about £20 on the simulator itself, I've spent about £120 on software add-ons.

What Microsoft have now done with 'flight' is given you a base pack, where you can only fly around Hawaii. You have to buy more add-ons from MS to fly elsewhere. There are rumours that 3rd party software will be incompatible with MS Flight, as microsoft try to combat companies like Aerosoft profiting from their product. :( grave times


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and then of course there's the question of just how serious MS Flight will be, I can't help feeling it will be an arcade game designed for the masses of COD playing fanatics...



    AE Developer

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I can't wait too, bloody fsx drives me mad with its constant fatal errors

What addons are you using? I used to get CTDs all the time too, but with my current install I haven't run into any at all after 40 flight hours or so. The difference is the reduced number of addons. :P

Or you can try Prepar3D which is a lot more stable than FSX, but some addons would require minor tweaks to install. :P

and then of course there's the question of just how serious MS Flight will be, I can't help feeling it will be an arcade game designed for the masses of COD playing fanatics...

The removal of "Simulator" from the title says a lot. :P



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Same. The problem is, MS have finally realised the money isn't in making simulators, it's in all the 'add-ons' that go with them. For instance I only spent about £20 on the simulator itself, I've spent about £120 on software add-ons.

What Microsoft have now done with 'flight' is given you a base pack, where you can only fly around Hawaii. You have to buy more add-ons from MS to fly elsewhere. There are rumours that 3rd party software will be incompatible with MS Flight, as microsoft try to combat companies like Aerosoft profiting from their product. :( grave times

but if microsoft can make these addons just as good or even better than justflight, aerosoft or ever pmdg then i guess it still won't be that bad



    AE Developer

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but if microsoft can make these addons just as good or even better than justflight, aerosoft or ever pmdg then i guess it still won't be that bad

I don't see MS mass-market addons matching the depth of small dedicated simulation makers like PMDG. Then again, good payware is catered toward simulation enthusiasts and not the mass market (how many Flight-oriented players want to sit and push buttons for 20 minutes before even being able to start the engines?), so this model doesn't fit Flight in the first place.

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