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Random Events

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    AE Player

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While I am not at all a fan of totally random events in simulation/strategy games I'm all in favour of random events that are a result of the policy of the player.

In this I was thinking about the following:


Whenever an airline has an employee reputation of below 60% there is a random chance that a strike breaks out in the company and one day of DOP gets lost.
The chance at 59% employee reputation should be minimal and slowly increase while employee reputation goes down till it's pretty substantial at 0%.

Banned airlines in the EU and/or USA

At the moment there is in real life a blacklist maintained by the EU of airline carriers who are deemed to have airplanes not safe enough. I don't want to go down the road of crashes (as that's too morbid to my taste) but there might be a rule implemented that there is a decent chance that as soon as the average age of your airplanes is above 15 or 20 years that you're no longer allowed to fly to the EU/USA.



    Game changer

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Great idea, but i would prefer 40% as the minimum preferance for strike, below it there are possibilites of strike at random.

Moreover now Dubai airshow is coming so i got an idea(i know that this have been refered earliar but to remind again) we can have air show events which will be the bonus for routes to that event . Revenue in this condition will rise only for those airline who have that route for very long time(like 1-2 years). I know we should first focus more on cargo but just a suggesion
Love boeing planes, especially 747's and 777's



    Angry Irishman

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Use the search feature




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Well, excuse me!
As listed on top of this forum "Before posting a feature request... Check the development plans first!" which I did check out but found nothing mentioned about random events.



    AE Developer

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Strikes were actually on the "todo list" for the first version of AE (by miller) :P




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Banned airlines in the EU and/or USA

At the moment there is in real life a blacklist maintained by the EU of airline carriers who are deemed to have airplanes not safe enough. I don't want to go down the road of crashes (as that's too morbid to my taste) but there might be a rule implemented that there is a decent chance that as soon as the average age of your airplanes is above 15 or 20 years that you're no longer allowed to fly to the EU/USA.

I feel this could work, however basing the ban on age is a terrible idea. DL operate thirty-whatever year old DC-9s, and I don't see them banned. I would propose a four tier maintenance structure.
Below legal levels.
-African slaves. 5% chance of being banned from the EU/US each day. Cheapest, almost free, option. Also, a 10% chance each day of a fine that takes away
15% of your cash in western countries.
8% of your cash in developing countries
1% in places defined as 'corrupt'.
Legal levels:
-Outsourcing to India. 0.04% chance of being banned from EU/US each day. Cheapish. 0.35% chance of a fine each day.
-Basic in-house maintenance. 0.020% chance of EU/US ban each day. Current level of maintenance costs. 0.17% chance of a fine each day.
Above legal levels:
-Extensive in-house maintenance. 0.0002% chance of EU/US ban each day. More expensive. 0.005% chance of fine each day.
-World benchmark of maintenance. 0% chance of EU/US ban, most expensive, 0% chance of fine.

Instead of an EU/US ban, it might instead be a ban to fly to a particular country/region.

Administrator of UnitedSkies alliance

and also a member of some other ones, but they're 2vip4u



    AE King

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I feel this could work, however basing the ban on age is a terrible idea. DL operate thirty-whatever year old DC-9s, and I don't see them banned. I would propose a four tier maintenance structure.
Below legal levels.
-African slaves. 5% chance of being banned from the EU/US each day. Cheapest, almost free, option. Also, a 10% chance each day of a fine that takes away
15% of your cash in western countries.
8% of your cash in developing countries
1% in places defined as 'corrupt'.
Legal levels:
-Outsourcing to India. 0.04% chance of being banned from EU/US each day. Cheapish. 0.35% chance of a fine each day.
-Basic in-house maintenance. 0.020% chance of EU/US ban each day. Current level of maintenance costs. 0.17% chance of a fine each day.
Above legal levels:
-Extensive in-house maintenance. 0.0002% chance of EU/US ban each day. More expensive. 0.005% chance of fine each day.
-World benchmark of maintenance. 0% chance of EU/US ban, most expensive, 0% chance of fine.

Instead of an EU/US ban, it might instead be a ban to fly to a particular country/region.

I think I know what saver jet will use. But I completely agree with you :P

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