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Daily pax

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    AE Addict To-Be

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I have two questions about the daily passenger demand that I couldn't find being posted before..(and I did look :book: for them)

- How is it possible to have a 100 load factor if you have more capacity than demand and you are the only one flying on that route. For example a route that has a daily demand of 300 can still have a 100% load factor and be profitable if I give it a capacity of 400.

- If the daily demand would be 40 seats than technically I would have to use an aircraft close to that number. However if I choose to fly once a week with a 280 seats aircraft it divides it over the days and gives me a 100% daily load factor. Is this for a specific reason? It just seems a little "strange" to me.

Thanks again people




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1. If you fares are low enough, you attract "passing trade" and you can get an extra load of passengers. This works most of the time, but can result in a loss for the airline.

2. This is strange, yes, but if you think about it, its semi-logical. Pax can't fly Tuesday, so they look at Monday's flights and so on. The newer version of the game gives you a reputation penalty for low frequency routes, such as 1x weeklies.




    AE Addict To-Be

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Thanks for the reply

1. I understand that lower prices attract more passengers but this way the number of daily passengers is more an "estimate" than a demand. The reason why I'm asking about this is that it is hard to compete with other people if you do not have a maximum of passengers. I am finding this out now with an airline that is on some of my routes. we are well over the max but both of us still have a 100% load factor. Maybe there should be a maximum of "passing trade" to make it more realistic and competitive. :devil:

2. This is still strange although I understand what you mean. This creates airlines to buy bigger planes on smaller routes which in turn creates more destinations per airline. Good to here though that having a daily flight will get you more reputation in the new version :yes:



    AE Developer

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How do you know you both have a 100% load factor?

Also, what's your ticket price compared to the default price? "Passing trade" is proportional to the difference, so if your tickets are say 50% off or even 75% less than standard price, you'll attract a lot of extra (low-yield) traffic. :P

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