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USA Airways & Frontier seem to be active at the same times of the day. They are running the same routes. They flood my routes together. Their modus operandi are identical. I claim both USA Airways (who also owns Bahama Air) & Frontier are somehow connected. Possibly one in the same user.
Aug 29 2011 07:37 AM


I'm still fighting the same airlines for a route that is 112 miles & one that's 75 miles. Both routes have a combined demand of 16/95/682. Current combined seats available is 55/159/946. I'd say the avg profit per flight is probably $10. I continue to find routes with no competition & demands of 500Y to 700Y this late in the game while they fight me for chump change.
Aug 27 2011 10:56 AM


ICEAGE... Remember, two can play at your game. I'm on to your cowardly shenanigans.
Aug 12 2011 05:00 PM


Here's a good one. Timmins (YTS) to Toronto Pearson (YYZ). Must be a really important sentimental route. Demand is 2/11/77. Current seats: 8/83/430. Its apparent that some of my fellow players have no clue as to what the bar graphs mean.
Aug 12 2011 07:05 AM


While one competitor fought me all day for a route that had a demand of less than 90 coach, I managed to open up numerous routes that had no competition. Some had coach demand over 500. I'm still amazed at how many big name routes have been untouched this late in the game. Still, I have players fighting me for routes that have no demand whatsoever.
Aug 08 2011 06:36 AM


What do I think of the Anchorage to Denver route? Well, there is only a demand of 317 coach seats, but there is currently an availability of 875 coach seats. Must be something sentimental about that route to the other three airlines that continue to fight over it. There's plenty cities with demand over 500 out there still with no competition. However, Anchorage to Denver is more important?
Jun 09 2011 08:46 AM


Many city combinations with daily passenger demand of 300 or more are still available, yet everyone insists on fighting for routes that have a daily demand of less than 80.
Jun 02 2011 08:37 AM