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Wrongly named airport

Posted by Giziar on 06 November 2011 - 01:03 AM

In game the airport is named Amsterdam Leylstad - LEY
I see no evidence whatsoever that "Amsterdam" is part of the official name.
Also it's Lelystad, not Leylstad.

I know that Lelystad (LEY) and Eindhoven (EIN) are part of Amsterdam (AMS), so althought the names are incorrect, the indication that it's part of Amsterdam is true.

In what case are they part of Amsterdam?
Both airports are located in another province even as Amsterdam is located in.
It might be the case that the airport of Amsterdam holds the shares of those local airports but if Amsterdam Airport buys the shares of Oslo Airport (random example) are we going to call it Amsterdam-Oslo Airport then?

I agree with Giziar on this one. This has been corrected, thanks.

No it's not the case that it has a share, but it's like "Brussels Charleroi" and "Brussels", they are also both in an other region of the country but are both joined to one airport.

The onley difference between Eindhoven and Lelystad is that they don't carry the name of Amsterdam.

Beside, the airport at lelystad is on the moment for civil use onley and the runway is 4101 ft long, see the eAIP http://www.ais-nethe...ndex-en-GB.html (valid for all airports in the netherlands, but most are civil only airports)

for your information, Amsteram airport = schiphol and on http://en.wikipedia..../Schiphol_Group stays of witch airports the schiphol group is owner

It doesn't matter whom it is owned by. The official name of the airport is Lelystad, not Amsterdam Lelystad.

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