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Time stopped

Posted by benhasajeep on 10 July 2011 - 01:37 PM

Time has been sitting on Nov 24 for a over an hour now. Tried logging out and back in. But still wont get the clock going again.

I think it's because of this:

"Yuxi - 07-11-11 16:53 - 8 comments
As you probably noticed, the server we're on now cannot handle the loads imposed on it. Even 3.1 day changes have stopped running properly.

I have just placed the order for a dedicated server with more than twice the capacity of our current setup. In the next 2-3 days (once the new server is fully operational) I will move the site over in one operation, so it will likely be a few hours of downtime (plus DNS propagation time). It won't be a gradual, protracted process. The short-term inconvenience will be well worth it."

I'm sure the devs will solve the problem, and they got a lot of effort to make this free game running and make it better and better
so be patient :captain:

Time has stopped again on December 1st 2001. I checked yesterday and it was Dec 1 and now today it is also Dec 1.

Mines stoped on December 1 2001

WTF is going on? time is frozen for 36 hours now at least!
still stuck on 02/24 1997.
If it goes on like this i quit playing AE because it realy pisses me off!!!!!

My time's stopped too and I'm having money taken away, last night when I went to bed I had over $190 million cash on hand and just now when I logged onto the world I had $6 million... where has my money gone when I'm making daily operating profit and the day hasn't changed?

Man, this is a BETA it's for looking after bugs etc, ot to build your AL;what pissed u off...this is a free game, and a lot of ppl spent their free time to make it better and playable; the new will be ready when it's ready. I hope ssoner than later but we could wait.

yeah, mine stopped at nov 24th a few days back, and mine has also stopped now at the 24th february 1997 <_<

The reason the game stops is the server isnt capable of handling all the day changes in each world, so in some beta worlds the time stops as the day change function cannot be executed. this is the second server now that has stopped. :/ hopefully yuxi can find one soon that will work consistently :P

Time has stopped again for me; on May 24th 2002.

same forme, may 24th 2002!

Yep timed stopped at May 24, 2002.

Stuck on the 24th of May ... But why always the 24th of a month ? This cannot be caused by high server loads. If it was, then it woul be on different dates throughout the months, but it always appears to be the 24th ...

Maybe there is a bug that just causes time to stop at the same time each month.

stuck on may 24th beta realistic 1990-2030

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