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HTTP Error 500 when attemping to purchase used aircraft

Posted by Jason Hite on 10 December 2017 - 04:30 PM



For the past 3 days I have been trying to access the used aircraft market, and more often than not it will fail to load and return the error HTTP Error 500. I don't know if this is an issue with the server or what but it occurs on all browsers and can occur anytime and only occurs when doing stuff with the used aircraft market.

ae31.airline-empires.com is currently unable to handle this request.

Error message received

It's weird because I am seeing people buying aircraft from the used market but I for some reason can not.

Problem is persisting this morning. Can not even access used aircraft page. I am in World O1 if that makes any difference.

People are able to purchase from used aircraft market but I can not. Is anyone else having this issue? I have tried resetting everything on my end and searching on the internet for potential solutions that I can control but the last thing I can not try is resetting the actual server. I still can not access the used aircraft page.

This page isn’t working

ae31.airline-empires.com is currently unable to handle this request.


I started to think it is because my airline is too large so I tried to sell my idle aircraft but I can't do that either! Help me!

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