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Ilyushin Il-96-300 & -400 range & fuelflow

Posted by Exodus on 07 May 2012 - 04:05 PM

On AE we find the following :

Il-96-300 - Range : 5,737 mi (6,749 max) - Fuelflow : 36,835
Il-96-400 - Range : 5,075 mi (5,970 max) - Fuelflow : 72,362

On the Ilyushin website you find the following data :

Il-96-300 - Range : 11,500 km (13,500 max) // 7,145 mi (8,388 max)
Il-96-400 - Range : 10,000 km (no data on max) // 6,213 mi (no data on max)

Both versions have a cruising speed of 870km/h (540mph) with a maximum fuel capacity of 156,620 liters.

Range : 7,145 mi (8,388 max)
Cruise speed : 540 mph
Flight time : 13.2 hours (15.5 hours)
Fuel Flow : 11,837 l/h (10,083 l/h) // 9,517 kg/h (8,107 kg/h) // 20,981 lbs/h (17,872 lbs/h)

Range : 6,213 mi (no data on max)
Cruise speed : 540 mph
Flight time : 11.5 hours (no data on max)
Fuel Flow : 13,613 l/h (no data on max) // 10,944 kg/h (no data on max) // 24,128 lbs/h (no data on max)

I don't know the unit of fuel flow on AE, but I assume it will be either l/h, kg/h or lbs/h.
So I believe the number crunchers should have a second look at the fuel flow of these models, especially because the -400 uses twice as much fuel as the -300 on AE. The range on AE also doesn't correspond to the data provided by Ilyushin.

Sources :

Best regards,


I am marking this as fixed, as I have done what I can with the data at hand.

The rest will be picked up in the forthcoming data overhaul.

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